
Picasa & Picasa Web Albums are no longer supported. Learn more

What's happening to Picasa, Picasa Web Albums, and the Picasa Web Albums API?

What's happening to Picasa?

Picasa is now retired. (If you speak English, you can read the blog post here.)

After Picasa is retired:

  • Picasa should continue to work anywhere it's installed, and you don't need to take any action.
  • There won't be any more updates to Picasa. Picasa will only work offline.
  • Picasa will no longer be available for download.

What's happening to Picasa Web Albums?

After May 1, 2016, we will begin retiring Picasa Web Albums. (If you speak English, you can read the blog post here.)

After Picasa Web Albums is retired, you'll be able to:

  • See and edit albums you created using Google Photos. (This won't include photo tags, comments, or +1's.)
  • Download your albums using Google Takeout.

Links that will continue to work

  • Links to photos and albums whose URLs use your user ID number (and not your username).
  • Links to Public Galleries whose URLs use your user ID number (and not your username).

Links that will stop working

  • Slideshows embedded on websites.
  • Picasa Web Albums & photos embedded on websites.
  • Links to photos, albums, and Public Galleries whose URLs use your username (and not your user ID number).

What's happening to the Picasa Web Albums Data API and the Slideshow Widget?

In January 2019, we will deprecate the Picasa Web Albums Data API and the Picasa Slideshow Widget. Apps that integrate with the API will stop working. (If you speak English, you can read our developer site.)

Switch to Google Photos

With Google Photos, you can:

  • Create albums
  • Share photos
  • Edit photos
  • Search your photos for people, places, and things
  • See captions you added by clicking Info Info after opening the photo or video.
Learn about Google Photos

Add photos to Google Photos

Albums that you've already synced to Picasa Web Albums are already in Google Photos.

Picasa no longer works online, so you will not be able to add or sync albums or individual photos. Learn how to back up photos and videos to Google Photos.

Picasa Web Albums actions and features that aren't available in Google Photos

  • Photo tags, tagging people, +1's, and Picasa Web comments.
  • Making slideshows.
  • Accessing photos you uploaded to Google+, Blogger, and Hangouts.
  • Following people.
  • Viewing public galleries.
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