Apr 30, 2019

How to pick from Google Photos album when creating a Facebook post?

I added a series of travel photos to a specific Google Photos album. I want to post them to Facebook as a normal Facebook post (not a link to a Google Photos webpage). It seems like this is not practical:

a) If I go into Facebook and click the photos icon to add photos to my post, it just dumps me into a view of the entire camera roll (where it could take hours to scroll through and find the photos I want). I don't see any way to get to a view just of this one specific Google Photos album.

b) If I go into the Google Photos app and try to share the entire album using the share icon, it launches the Facebook app and then nothing happens.  I've let it sit for over 10 minutes in case it was taking time to upload or process the images, but no dice.  (It's only 9 photos so it should not take hours).

I can't believe that Google Photos works so poorly with social media (I assume it has the same problems with Twitter, etc. too).  There must be a better way??
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Recommended Answer
Nov 4, 2019
I just went on my laptop and favorited all the photos I wanted to upload on google photos. Then download your favorites album from google photos and it will create a zip file on your computer.  Extract all the photo files. Finally you can go on facebook and click add photos to your album, then select the folder on your desktop or laptop that contains the extracted photos and you are done!
Diamond Product Expert janvb recommended this
Recommended Answer
May 1, 2019
Hi Peter,

Thanks for taking the time to report your experience to the Photos Community

Since I don't use Facebook or Twitter, and can't comment on the delay you are reporting, I can only suggest you try the slightly adjusted workflow below to see if it works for you.

1. Open the Album you want to share
2. Select the < Share icon
3. Select Create link and, once completed, select Copy Link
4. Open Facebook app and use link to post.

Maybe other Facebook / Photos users can provide additional thoughts.

I believe Google works hard with third-party vendors like Facebook and Twitter to provide users with a good experience and cross-app compatibility. Everyone wants happy users. So the next time this happens, please  use the Feedback menu option in Google Photos to report your experience so the team can track specific hardware or software issues that can be contributing.


Diamond Product Expert janvb recommended this
All Replies (30)
Recommended Answer
May 1, 2019
Hi Peter,

Thanks for taking the time to report your experience to the Photos Community

Since I don't use Facebook or Twitter, and can't comment on the delay you are reporting, I can only suggest you try the slightly adjusted workflow below to see if it works for you.

1. Open the Album you want to share
2. Select the < Share icon
3. Select Create link and, once completed, select Copy Link
4. Open Facebook app and use link to post.

Maybe other Facebook / Photos users can provide additional thoughts.

I believe Google works hard with third-party vendors like Facebook and Twitter to provide users with a good experience and cross-app compatibility. Everyone wants happy users. So the next time this happens, please  use the Feedback menu option in Google Photos to report your experience so the team can track specific hardware or software issues that can be contributing.


Diamond Product Expert janvb recommended this
Feb 10, 2020
Please fix this.
Feb 26, 2020
YES!!! Please fix this!! I had someone rave to me about how awesome Google Photos is, so I optimistically jumped right in, but so far it's been a total headache for me... it's not doing anything reasonable that I need it to do.
Feb 27, 2020
I love Google photos except for this problem. It would be great if one of the Google engineers could explain why this is so difficult. Is it becuz Google and Facebook are competitors?
Mar 4, 2020
I just searched for a person in my google pics, created an album, then shared to Facebook. No issues. 
My question is, that once the album is posted to Facebook, will it not update the photos that I add to the album in Google Photos?  I’d like it to be a live album but maybe that’s not possible.
Mar 4, 2020
"Once the album is posted to Facebook, will it not update the photos that I add to the album in Google Photos?"
  • When you use "Share" in Google Photos and select Facebook, you in fact share a link to your album. Thus when you add a photo it should also be seen in Facebook. 
  • I suggest that you just try: share an album and then add a photo to the album in Google Photos. That's how I found out.
Mar 25, 2020
No option to Share to Google Drive - this is a pain in the ass!
Mar 25, 2020
"No option to Share to Google Drive"
Not in the web app, but you can in the Photos app on mobile. 
See also:

1 Video
Mar 26, 2020
Glad I'm not the only one. I made a movie using Google photos movie feature. It won't even save it as a whole video! I can only watch it as if I'm still editing its clips...
Come on, Google! I'm following basic procedures here. Taking a few hikes during the quarantine, wanna make friends and family smile on Facebook or Instagram with something light. A post of some clips walking through woods, nice! Maybe some music, nice! Maybe a minute long. Nothing too fancy. All done adjusting the lengths musically, the scenes change with the song, cool! Can I share it now? Nope! Can I at least watch it as a finished thing on my own phone? Nope! Can I get any help here? Am I just an idiot or is this really harder than it has to be?
Apr 8, 2020
I've got nearly a 1,000 old postcard images from my hometown that sat in my Google Photos for years. I originally uploaded them vis Picasa which was such a great app. Today I decided to create a new album to share on my Twitter Feed. Everything seemed to work well except the cover photo shown in the tweet was not the one I wanted to display. I deleted the tweet, went back to Google Photos and changed my cover photo for the album then retweeted. The cover photo DID NOT CHANGE. I've been beating my brains out for a couple hours trying to correct the issue with NO LUCK.
May 3, 2020
what a travesty by google to get rid of Picasa. That was such a user friendly app. Google Is NOT!
May 5, 2020
AGREED!!  Impossible task uploading specific pics from Google Pixel 4 albums to FB. Totally absurd and RIDICULOUS!! My daughter uploaded specific pics from her iPhone photo albums in less than 30 seconds!!  I've had to research this stupid issue for 2 hrs! This ridiculousness compounded with a broken speaker for the second time in 4 months makes me regret buying this phone. Awful! Shame on Google.
May 6, 2020
I've created a movie in Google Photos and now I can't upload the video to Facebook (it's an advertisement.) Can anyone help???
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