Apr 8, 2019

Missing albums

I have created several albums that went missing a few days ago. 

Some of the albums that are still there have lost lots of pictures. 

I have signed out of my account and signed back in, didn't help. 

I can't delete the photos app, not possible on my device (Samsung Galaxy Tab A, Android 8.0)

Any ideas how to get the lost albums and the pictures missing in the remaining albums back?
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Apr 9, 2019
Hi Paolo,

I have restored the syncing of my computer out of the trash in Google drive. The pictures I thought I have lost in Google photos are coming back. I guess it will take a little while until they are fully restored. 

I also noticed that some of the albums are coming back and some of the still existing albums are filling up with pictures. 

I guess the lesson to be learned here is, don't mess with syncing 😉

Thank you very much for your time and support.
Product Expert Alumni Paolo Amoroso recommended this
All Replies (27)
Hi Bernd,
​can you check whether any albums or photos are missing from the https://photos.google.com website? Be sure to sign in with all your Google accounts if you have more than one.
Oct 24, 2019
@Antonio Sasso
"Hi Paolo I should retrieve the photos definitively deleted from the trash made in August 2019."
Sorry Antonio, but once deleted from trash the photos can not be restored.
Oct 31, 2019

Im on Pixel XL (the original Pixel) running Android 10. I had created a couple of Albums on the device a couple of years back and used them to keep pictures that i didn't want to delete when i did a backup. 

I was in need of one of these Album recently and when i accessed it, there was one picture in the album that used to have at least 20 very important pictures. I'm not sure since when i'm missing these pictures as i don't look at this album on a regular basis. 

The other album (which i access even less) is completely gone. I when and looked for it today after reading all these comments (when searching for an answer to the missing pictures).

In short: A complete Album and all but one pic from the other Album are gone. Nothing online (photos.google.com) or in trash. And these were important pictures that i cannot replace :(.   

Thanks in advance for your assistance!
Last edited Nov 1, 2019
Nov 14, 2019
I can't transfer the album's and photos and videos from the albums from my Google photos from my pixel 3 and my Samsung S6 to my GOOGLE photos album on my LG V50 can you help me out
Dec 10, 2019
All my photos from gallery are in Google photos but they are not showing in repective albums as they were in gallery. What is the problem?
Last edited Dec 10, 2019
Dec 21, 2019
All of the albums I created on my iPhone are gone but they are on Chrome where I can see google photos on my Mac. Why aren’t they still on my phone
Dec 22, 2019
@Beth Taft
"All of the albums I created on my iPhone are gone but they are on Chrome. Why aren’t they still on my phone"
  • When you see these albums in https://photos.google.com/albums in Chrome, you should also see them under the "Albums" tab in Google Photos on any other device, when you are signed in to the same account.

  • On a mobile device you can add an account and switch between accounts without having to sign in again each time. Check to which account you are connected. Click on the actual account:
    • On my wife's iPad it is on top of the main menu (3 lines). 
    • On my Android it's at the right side in the search bar ....
Dec 22, 2019
Swapna Suraneni
"All my photos from gallery are in Google photos but they are not showing in respective albums as they were in gallery. What is the problem?
The problem is that the Google Photos team thinks that their so-called Artificial Intelligence will do the job for you. "Backup & sync" just uploads the photos to the library (under "Photos"). You must add them to albums manually.

The best way to do so is in my opinion:
  • Let "Backup & sync" upload them to the library
  • Once in a while select them, for example in the "Device album" on the mobile device, and add them to an album. They will not upload again (if already uploaded) but will be added to the album.
Dec 22, 2019
Dovrei ricercare le foto di agosto 2019 che ho definitivamente  cancellate. Me li potete recuperare
Dec 23, 2019
@Antonio Sasso
Photos that are permanently deleted cannot be recovered. Sorry.
Jan 12, 2020
I have a similar problem.  I created 2 albums yesterday.  This morning, they are gone.  Where do I even start to rectify the problem.  I created the albums on desktop/laptop.  I'm using windows 10.
Feb 4, 2020
My only album I created in 2014 is missing. All I see are the auto generated albums. I have no idea how to get it back. I am viewing these on my PC using https://photos.google.com/ and I'm logged in. 

Oh, here we go, I have found the album on my phone under sharing. I had to select 'show in albums' from the ... button in the top right hand corner.

Um, I've fixed it myself. I hope this will help others with the same issue as I just had. :)
Feb 4, 2020
"I have found the album on my phone under sharing. I had to select 'show in albums' from the ... button in the top right hand corner."
Thanks for letting us know, and glad you solved your issue. 
Just a bit more info:
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