Aug 5, 2019

App not syncing with cloud; stuck on "Getting your photos..."

Since 2 weeks the Android app Google Photos does not connect to the cloud anymore. The app shows "Getting your photos..." all the time and does not upload new photos to the cloud (verified on the web version of Google Photos).  It worked perfectly before on this phone.

The following I've done and concluded:
* Clear app data and cache + reinstall makes no difference 
* Logging in and out of Google on my phone makes no difference 
* Disable and re-enable backup and sync in the app makes no difference 
* I have my phone plugged in to the wall and connected to wifi every night, so there's plenty of opportunity for the app to sync 
* Rebooting phone in to safe mode and clearing app cache made no difference 
* Google Photos backup and sync still works on my 2 older Android Phone
* Waiting 2+ weeks for the issue to resolve it self made no difference

* Android: 9
* Phone: Oneplus 7 (not Pro) 
* Oxygen OS: 9.57.GM57BA
* Google Photos version:

Because of the app data and cache removal, the app only shows local photos and noting in the cloud anymore. And newly taken photos are still never backed up to the cloud.

I've found many people with similar problems of "Getting your photos..." in this support forum, but no shared solution. 

I can't think of anything more to do, thus I now need some technical support from experts at Google for the Google Photos product to look in to my exact problem.
Please help me fix this issue, my new valuable photos are not backed up!
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Last edited Aug 5, 2019
Recommended Answer
Sep 7, 2019
Update; after a factory reset, Google Photos started to work again.

Completely disastrous that a factory default should be needed.
Original Poster Jyu714 marked this as an answer
All Replies (8)
Google user
Aug 23, 2019
unfortunately Google Photos does not have any user facing support so we have to try to build a case for possible submission as a bug. Even if we do that then unless we can reproduce the problem there is very little hope of getting any action within a reasonable amount of time. Sometimes never. I don't think it's not for want of trying, but the team is small and they have many priorities.
Lets see if we can narrow things down.  Could you open the Photos app and tap the 3 bar menu: Your email address: and select Use without an account.  The app should act as a standard gallery in this mode and you should be able to see all photos on the device.  Let me know how things look in this state, how many photos you have internal or on SD, how many videos internal and SD, and whether you can scroll through every one without any problems,
Last edited Aug 23, 2019
Aug 23, 2019
Hello PeteranDi!

Thanks for replying to my issue.

If I follow your instructions (3 bar menu > Use without an account) then I'm still stuck with the "Getting your photos...". The difference is that no images or video is shown at all. If I however kill the app and start it up again, then my local media files are shown about 300 images and a handful of videos

Note that showing and interacting with the phone local media was never a problem to start with in the original post of this thread.

If I then from this state go back to 3 bar menu > Chose an account > and select my Google account > Enable Backup & Sync, then I'm back to the original reported problem in this thread i.e.  stuck on "Getting your photos...", while being able to browse all local media but non of the media storied in the cloud.

Even if their team is small, they have to look in to the real problems their users are experiencing. I'm obviously not alone with this problem, I see it reported all over the Internet.
Google user
Aug 23, 2019
The fact that the app continues to get stuck while using without an account points to an issue with either a local file or an internal memory location (you didn't mention SD so I assume you haven't got one) and the first question will be 'please ask the user to do a factory reset' 

A factory reset will delete all local content, you can backup and restore messages and app settings via Android settings (System), but the photos would have to be moved off the device, possibly via USB to a computer or you could get a free account with Dropbox or OneDrive and install the app with the setting Camera upload enabled.
Aug 23, 2019
Correct, Oneplus 7 does not have an external SD card, only internal memory.

This is what i thought as well, so I delete ALL local media to make sure that there could be not troublesome files. I even manually deleted the DCIM directory. However this made no difference.

I'm a bit hesitant to do a full factory default, as this is basically one full day's worth of work to set up my phone again, even though most apps have sync or backup to the cloud, there are still lots of details in configuration that makes it not reasonable to do a factory default just like that.
Recommended Answer
Sep 7, 2019
Update; after a factory reset, Google Photos started to work again.

Completely disastrous that a factory default should be needed.
Original Poster Jyu714 marked this as an answer
Google user
Sep 7, 2019
Yes, wish it was a different story. Thank you for the update, much appreciated, Peter
Oct 25, 2019
Any other solution that doesn`t involve factory reset?
Feb 2, 2020
Google needs to make a version that will tell people what is going wrong. I have the same situation where pictures since November 4tg 2019 has not backed up while the online version says all is backed up. Clearing data and cache does not work either and the app does not even download all thumbnails !

Google, you're about to lose a subscriber !
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