Photomath Plus features & math areas

Does Photomath Plus solve word problems?

Photomath currently solves word problems for a wide range of textbooks in English, but we’re working hard every day to add more to our library. We recommend enabling notifications from us so that you’ll know when we add new content!

If the app doesn't recognize your textbook, it means that we haven’t solved it just yet ― but you can vote for it (you’ll see the prompt when searching for it in the Textbook Solutions library by name or ISBN), and we'll do our best to solve it as soon as possible! You can find the list of books currently covered by clicking the textbook icon (looks like a book) at the top right of the scan screen.

Matched Solutions to word and geometry problems

We have recently introduced a new feature: you can now scan word and geometry problems that do not come from textbooks and Photomath can provide a partially matched solution if one is available. The partially matched solutions are available only if your app language is English. Matched solutions serve as a reference for you to solve your own math problem - they have similar steps, so you can follow along or just change the numbers or variables to match your own. 

If you scanned a word or geometry problem and did not get a matched solution, that means that we have not solved it yet, but we most likely will soon. Your scanning these problems actually help us create a problem database of most demanded problems.This further improves our app's capabilities and help us cater our services to users across the globe, so scan away! 

Where solutions for word and geometry problems come from

Photomath has a team of highly skilled mathematicians and math educators that think through how best to solve different math problems. Our team has a rigorous review process to check that Photomath provides accurate and easy-to-understand results. If you think a solution is incorrect or notice any inconsistencies,  please email us at

My textbook solution was wrong

We have a team of math experts creating and proofreading the solutions to the textbook problems, but even they can make mistakes. If you believe a question is not answered correctly or completely, we would love to know about it. There are 2 ways this can be reported:

In app:

Show Solving Steps

Explain Step by Step

Last step

Was this solution helpful? Answer: NO, and after that: Care to explain? Answer: YES

This will take you to a feedback form, where you can describe what is incorrect and attach a screenshot of the solution in question.


Contact with a photo of the math problems you believe are not solved correctly and the ISBN of the textbook it came from. 

How to get to Animated Tutorials

Your Photomath Plus subscription includes access to more than 400 AI-powered Animated Tutorials, and we work hard every day to create even more of them. They are an upgraded version of our old animations and simulate how a teacher or a tutor might explain a problem on a whiteboard. That could really enhance your Math learning experience and take understanding of solution steps to the next level! Starting from September 2021 they even have a voice-over, so even if you are not a visual learner, you will love our new Animations.

Here are the Math areas that have an Animated Tutorial on our app:

  • Adding numbers using a number line
  • Adding numbers using integer chips
  • Adding numbers using long addition
  • Subtracting numbers using a number line
  • Subtracting numbers using integer chips
  • Subtracting numbers using long subtraction
  • Multiplying numbers using long multiplication
  • Dividing numbers using long division
  • Dividing numbers, with a remainder, using long division
  • Dividing numbers, to a decimal, using long division
  • Long division with decimals
  • Polynomial division
  • Converting fractions into decimal numbers with division steps
  • Rounding numbers and decimal numbers
  • Solving equations using the graphing method
  • Converting decimal into fraction
  • Adding and subtracting polynomials using algebra tiles
  • Writing the number in scientific notation
  • Adding the fractions
  • Writing exponential form in expanded form
  • Writing exponential form in standard form
  • Find the power of a power
  • Rewrite the negative power
  • Multiply exponential expressions
  • Write in expanded form using exponents
  • Divide exponential expressions
  • a1. Draw a model for a fraction using a circle
  • b2. Draw a model for a fraction using a rectangle
  • c2. Write equivalent fractions using division
  • d2. Write equivalent fractions using multiplication
  • And many more... Check out the examples of some of the Animations on our YouTube channel or simply scan a math problem that has an Animation and see how it works for yourself.



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