If some invoices need a change before you make a payment, you can dispute or request a change to one or multiple invoices at the same time through the Google payments center. You can also request to split an invoice or consolidate multiple invoices.
You’ll need Admin payments profile access to dispute or request a change to an invoice. You can manage access for others to request invoice changes with Admin access.
If you don't have access to the Payments profile, reach out to those on your profile who can grant you access – the Admins or Manage User profile users – or to the Google support team.
Learn how to add and remove users or change permissions.
Dispute or change invoices
Important: You can only dispute open invoices with no amount paid or credits applied.
If all invoices are for the same product, currency, and profile, you can dispute multiple invoices within one request. You can submit separate requests to dispute invoices for different products and currencies.
- Sign in to Google Pay.
- If you have more than one Payments profile, in the top right, click the profile you’d like to view.
- In your “Statement of account” page, click View open invoices.
- Select one or more invoices you want to dispute or change.
- In the upper right, click Actions
Dispute or change invoices.
- Select the type of dispute:
- Bill-to name/address
- Advertiser name/address
- Payor name/address
- Amount charged or item details
- Currency
- PO number
- Tax ID
- Tax rate
- Ship-to name/address
- Invoice received in error
- Other issues
- Once you fill out the dispute, click Submit.
Tip: You can upload a file or photo along with your request for a change.
Primary contact on your profile will automatically get dispute updates. You can add other email addresses that need to get updates about the dispute, as well as indicate your preferred Google representative.
Once the submission completes, you'll receive an email notification with the unique dispute ID. You'll also receive subsequent updates about your request via email. We may contact you for additional information.
Types of disputes
Bill-to name/address
If your invoice has an incorrect Bill-to name or address:
- Click Bill-to name/address.
- Correct name and address on the account but incorrect on the invoice: Click Name and address on account.
- Incorrect name and address on the account and on the invoice: Click New name and address.
- Choose if the change needs to be only once or for future invoices.
Advertiser name/address
If your invoice has a wrong Advertiser name or address:
- Click Advertiser name/address.
- If the name and address on your account are wrong, click New name and address and add the correct information.
- Choose if the change needs to be only once or for future invoices.
Payor name/address
If your invoice has a wrong Payor name or address:
- Click Payor name/address.
- If the name and address on your account is wrong, click New name and address and add the correct information.
- Choose if the change needs to be only once or for future invoices.
Amount charged or item details
If your invoice has a wrong amount or line item details:
- Click Amount charged or item details.
- Click the down-arrow and click one of these options:
- Amount
- Price/rate
- Quantity
- Description
- Other
- Give details on what is wrong, the correct details, and why we should change the current information.
- Choose whether the change needs to be only once or for future invoices.
If you want a current, unpaid invoice to be billed in a different currency:
- Click Currency.
- Click the drop-down arrow and select the new currency.
- Explain why the currency on the original invoice is wrong.
- Choose whether the change needs to be only once or for future invoices.
PO number
If your purchase order (PO) number is missing or is wrong:
- Click PO number.
- Give a new purchase order number and explain why the original purchase order number is wrong.
- Choose if the change needs to be only once or for future invoices.
Tax ID
If the Tax ID (VAT number) on your invoice is missing or wrong:
- Click Tax ID.
- Give a new Tax ID in the correct format and explain why the Tax ID on the original invoice is missing or wrong.
- Choose whether the change needs to be only once or for future invoices.
Tax rate
If the Tax rate on your invoice is wrong:
- Click Tax rate.
- Give a new tax rate and explain why the original tax rate is wrong.
- Choose whether the change needs to be only once or for future invoices.
Ship-to name/address
If your invoice has a wrong Ship-to name or address:
- Click Ship-to name/address.
- Give the new name or address that you want on the invoice and explain why the original ship-to information is wrong.
- Choose whether the change needs to be only once or for future invoices.
Invoice received in error
If you received an invoice not meant for you:
- Click Invoice received in error.
- Tell us why you think the invoice was wrongly sent.
Other issues
If you can’t find the option that works for you:
- Click Other issues.
- Answer these questions:
- What is wrong on the invoice?
- What is the correct information?
- Why should we change the current info?
Split an invoice
Important: You can only split an open invoice with no amount paid or credits applied.
- Sign in to Google Pay.
- If you have more than one Payments profile, in the top right, click the profile you want to view.
- In the “Statement of account” tab, click View open invoices.
- Select an invoice that you want to split.
- In the top right, click Actions
Split invoices.
- Select how you want to split the invoice:
- Partner
- Advertiser/Loi Sapin/Direct Marketer
- Campaign
- Account
- Insertion order/purchase order
- Other
- Fill in the rest of the form.
- Once you’re ready, click Submit.
Tip: You can upload a file or photo along with your request for a change.
Primary contact on your profile automatically gets dispute updates. You can add other email addresses that need to get updates about the dispute and indicate your preferred Google representative.
Once the submission completes, you’ll receive an email notification with the unique dispute ID. You’ll also receive subsequent updates about your request via email. We may contact you for more information.
Consolidate invoices
Important: You can only consolidate open invoices with no amount paid or credits applied. Invoice consolidation is only possible for invoices generated in the same month.
- Sign in to Google Pay.
- If you have more than one Payments profile, in the top right, click the profile you want to view.
- In the “Statement of account” tab, click View open invoices.
- Select 2 or more invoices you want to consolidate.
- In the top right, click Actions
Consolidate invoices.
- Explain why these invoices need to be consolidated.
- Fill in the rest of the form.
- Once you’re ready, click Submit.
Tip: You can upload a file or photo along with your request for a change.
The primary contact on your Payments profile automatically gets dispute updates. You can add other email addresses that need to get updates about the dispute and indicate your preferred Google representative.
Once the submission completes, you’ll receive an email notification with the unique dispute ID. You’ll also receive subsequent updates about your request via email. We may contact you for more information.