Charges or credits from Google products and services appear on your credit or debit card statement in several ways. All charge descriptions begin with "GOOGLE *" followed by the product or service you purchased from. Examples of Google charge descriptions are below:
Statement item | Google product |
GOOGLE *ADS{ID} | Google Ads Google AdMob Authorized Buyers |
GOOGLE *{Company} | Google Play Store for Apps |
GOOGLE *CLOUD_{BAID} | Google Cloud Platform |
GOOGLE *Commerce Ltd | Google Play Music |
GOOGLE *{Developer} | Google Play Store for Apps |
GOOGLE *Devices | Google Store |
GOOGLE *Domains | Google Domains |
GOOGLE *GOOGLE | YouTube Premium |
GOOGLE *Google, LLC | Google Play Music |
GOOGLE *Google Music | Google Play Music |
GOOGLE *Google Play | Google Play Movies & TV |
GOOGLE *Google Storage | Google Drive |
GOOGLE *Google Store | Google Store |
GOOGLE *Google Surveys | Google Analytics |
GOOGLE *Google Express | Google Express |
GOOGLE *Music | Google Play Music |
GOOGLE *Play | Google Play Store for Apps |
GOOGLE *Play Credit | Google Play gift cards and other transfers to a Google Play balance |
GOOGLE *Play Newsstand | Google Play Newsstand |
GOOGLE *SERVICES | Google Fiber |
GOOGLE *Workspace_{Domain_name} | Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) Cloud Identity Drive Enterprise |
GOOGLE *Voice | Google Voice |
GOOGLE *WALLET | Google Pay |
GOOGLE *YouTube Videos | YouTube Movies |
Note: The display of some items may be shortened, depending on the format of your statement.
- ID is a customer number that helps Google identify which user the item applies to.
- Company is usually the company that makes the charge through Google, such as the developer of an Android app or the publisher of digital magazine.
- BAID is the project ID of your Google Cloud Platform project.
- Developer is the developer of the Android app that generated the charge.
- Domain_name is the internet domain name attached to your Google Workspace implementation.