Edit your business details

To edit your business details like store name, category, or address, follow these steps:

  1. On your Android device, open the Google Pay for Business app.
  2. Tap Settings and then Display Info.
  3. To edit your store name, category, or address, tap the edit icon Edit.
  4. Once you’ve made the changes, tap Submit for verification.

You may have to request verification by tapping the “Verify via video call” button to start a video verification call with our support team. After the changes are verified, your display information will be updated.

Note: Video verification support availability - 9 AM to 6 PM IST, 7 days a week


If there are any other business details apart from the business name, category, and address that you want to edit, contact our support team. To update your business information, our support agent team will guide you through the next steps.

To contact our support agent, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Google Pay for Business app.
  2. Tap Support and then Contact Us.
  3. Select your preferred language.
  4. Tap Get a call.
  5. Enter your name and phone number details.
  6. To request for a call from us, tap Call me.
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