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Google for Nonprofits Newsletter l February 2020

See how a volunteer-led nonprofit uses Google to be more efficient

With the help of Google, Switchboard supports the UK LGBT+ communities

Switchboard LGBT+ Helpline aspires to foster a society where all LGBT+ communities are informed and empowered. Learn how they use Ad Grants and G Suite for Nonprofits to run an always-on, entirely volunteer-based program. Watch the video.

What's new?

New Ad Grants Account Review Dashboard

How well does your Ad Grants account comply with program policies and best practices? This dashboard will help you take action. Check it out.

Call for Stories

Inspire others on International Women’s Day.

Do you identify as a woman working in the nonprofit space? You could be featured in our International Women’s Day post on Google's blog. Share your story.

Meet us at NTC 2020

Google for Nonprofits at NTC

We are proud to announce our sponsorship at the 2020 Nonprofit Technology Conference in Baltimore, MD, March 24th-26th. If you are around, come to meet us. We are looking forward to engaging with as many of you as possible, answering your questions, and hearing your feedback. Learn more about NTC

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