
Percent, our nonprofit verification partner, has rebranded to Goodstack. Learn more about how Google for Nonprofits partners with Goodstack

Google for Nonprofits logo and name usage

We don't provide permission to use Google’s name and logo to publicize your acceptance to the Google for Nonprofits program in press releases or press outreach. You're welcome to mention your participation in the program on social media channels, newsletters, or on your website using the language provided on our Google Press page seen below. You may not publish the Google for Nonprofits logo on your website. Violation of this policy can result in the suspension of your account.


[Organization name] is a participant in the Google for Nonprofits program. Google for Nonprofits offers eligible organizations access to Google products that can help solve the challenges nonprofits face: finding new donors and volunteers, working more efficiently, and getting supporters to take action. Google for Nonprofits is available in over 60 countries.

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