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Google for Nonprofits Newsletter | September 2020

Google for Nonprofits newsletter

Get started on Ad Grants with a new activation process and step-by-step trainings

With Ad Grants, nonprofits receive $10K USD of advertising budget each month to use on Google Ads. Many organizations like yours have asked us to make the activation process easier and to provide more tutorials.
Check out the resources below to learn how to activate your grant, set up digital marketing campaigns, and get your cause in front of millions on Google. Start the trainings

Nonprofit spotlight


Seattle Good Business Network strengthens their community

In response to the pandemic, Seattle Good Business Network created the Support Hub - an online resource for individuals, small businesses, and community organizations. With help from Ad Grants, they’ve connected thousands of people with information on everything from where to buy locally manufactured masks, how to support local businesses, and more. Read more stories of how nonprofits are making an impact on our website. View more case studies 


What's new 

Getting access to Ad Grants is easier than ever

The Google for Nonprofits team has launched a new activation process for Ad Grants. Login to your account
to sign up. Activate now

Watch step-by-step videos to grow fundraising with Ad Grants

In these new online tutorials from Applied Digital Skills, learn how to plan, build, and launch a digital marketing campaign to fundraise and increase awareness of your mission. Start the course

Check out this brief guide to improve your account

Dive deeper into how you can maximize your impact online with these helpful tips from Ad Grants, like new keyword ideas and enabling conversion tracking. Explore now

Helping survivors of domestic abuse during COVID-19

To remind survivors that they are not forgotten, Ad Grants is helping domestic violence organizations increase the visibility of their services. Learn more

Share the story of how your nonprofit uses Google products

Fill out this form and you could be featured in a future Google for Nonprofits newsletter or video.

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