
We've recently announced an update on publication pages. Please read here for more information.

Reader Revenue Manager policies

About our policies

Google has developed the following policies to promote a trustworthy and secure environment for publishers using Reader Revenue Manager ('the service'). Any publisher using Reader Revenue Manager must adhere to these policies.

If you suspect that anyone is using Reader Revenue Manager in an abusive or illegal manner, please report it to us immediately. ​​If you want to make a complaint about intellectual property on a site using Reader Revenue Manager, please email this address.

Google reserves the right to change these policies at any time. This policy should be read together with the Reader Revenue Manager Terms of Service, which may contain additional rules on how to use the service.

User policies

Do not misuse the service. We want the service to be useful, relevant and safe for users and creators, so we don't allow any of the following:

Harassment, bullying and threats

Do not harass, bully or threaten others. We also don't allow the service to be used to engage or incite others in these activities. Keep in mind that online harassment is illegal in many places and can have serious offline consequences for both the harasser and the victim. We may take appropriate action if we are notified of threats of harm or other dangerous situations, which may include reporting you to the relevant authorities.

Hate speech

Do not engage in hate speech. Hate speech is content that promotes or condones violence against or has the primary purpose of inciting hatred against an individual or group on the basis of their race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, age, nationality, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or any other characteristic that is associated with systemic discrimination or marginalisation.

Impersonation and misrepresentation

We don't allow content that impersonates any person or organisation, misrepresents or conceals ownership or primary purpose, or engages in inauthentic or coordinated behaviour to deceive, defraud or mislead.

This includes, but isn't limited to, the misrepresentation or concealment of country of origin or directing content at users in another country under false premises, and working together in ways that conceal or misrepresent information about relationships or editorial independence.

This policy doesn't cover content with certain artistic, educational, historical, documentary or scientific considerations, or other substantial benefits to the public.

Personal and confidential information

Do not use, share or distribute others' personal and/or confidential information, such as credit card numbers, confidential national ID numbers or account passwords, without their permission. If you suspect that your account has been hijacked, please contact us. Do not attempt to use others' accounts without their permission, or steal their personal and/or confidential information.


Do not spam. This may include unwanted promotional or commercial content, unwanted content created by an automated program, unwanted repetitive content, nonsensical content or anything that appears to be a mass solicitation.

System interference

Do not abuse this service and do not harm, degrade or negatively affect the operation of networks, devices or other infrastructure. This includes degrading, disabling or negatively interfering with any aspect of the service.


Do not engage in actions intended to bypass our policies or subvert restrictions placed on your account. This includes the creation or use of multiple accounts or other methods intended to engage in behaviour that was previously prohibited.

Content policies

Google helps to enable an open web by helping publishers to monetise their content. Maintaining trust in the web ecosystem requires us to set limits on what we will monetise.

Publishers using Reader Revenue Manager are not allowed to publish or monetise content prohibited by the following policies. By 'content', we mean any digital content that is present on your website or app, or another online platform – including advertisements and links to other sites or apps. Failure to comply with these policies may result in Google removing the Reader Revenue Manager feature from your organisation or publication, Google withholding payments or reversing previous payments, or suspending or terminating your account, among other potential actions.

These restrictions apply in addition to any other policies governing your use of other Google products.


We do not allow content that incites hatred against, promotes discrimination of or disparages an individual or group on the basis of their race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, age, nationality, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or other characteristic that is associated with systemic discrimination or marginalisation.

Examples: Promoting hate groups or hate group paraphernalia, encouraging others to believe that a person or group is inhuman, inferior or worthy of being hated.


We do not allow content that harasses, intimidates or bullies an individual or group of individuals.

Examples: Singling out someone for abuse or harassment, suggesting that a tragic event didn't happen or that victims or their families are actors or complicit in a cover-up of the event.

Dangerous content

We do not allow content that threatens or advocates physical or mental harm to oneself or others.

Examples: Content advocating suicide, anorexia or other self-harm; threatening someone with real-life harm or calling for the attack of another person; promoting, glorifying or condoning violence against others; promoting cruelty or gratuitous violence towards animals.

We do not allow content that exploits others through extortion.

Examples: Predatory removals, revenge porn and blackmail.

Deceptive practices

We don't allow preview content that misleads users to engage with it by promising details that aren't reflected in the underlying content.

Attempting to steal personal information or trick users into sharing personal information is also prohibited on the service.

Example: Social engineering, like phishing

Promoting content, products or services using false, dishonest or deceptive claims is prohibited on the service.

Example: 'Get rich quick' schemes.

Misleading content


We do not allow content that misrepresents, misstates or conceals information about the content creator, the purpose of the content or the content itself.

We do not allow content that falsely implies having an affiliation with, or endorsement by, another individual, organisation, product or service.

Examples: Impersonating Google products, misusing company logos.

Unreliable and harmful claims

We do not allow content that makes claims that are demonstrably false and could significantly undermine participation or trust in an electoral or democratic process.

Examples: Information about public voting procedures, political candidate eligibility based on age or birthplace, election results or census participation that contradicts official government records.

We do not allow content that promotes harmful health claims or miracle cures, or content which relates to a current, major health crisis and contradicts authoritative scientific consensus.

Examples: Anti-vaccine advocacy, denial of the existence of medical conditions such as AIDS, gay conversion therapy, unsubstantiated cures, remedies or other items marketed as quick health fixes.

Manipulated media

We do not allow content that deceives users through manipulated media related to politics, social issues or matters of public concern.

Coordinating with other sites or accounts and concealing or misrepresenting your identity or other material details about yourself, where your content relates to politics, social issues or matters of public concern is prohibited on the service.

Directing content about politics, social issues or matters of public concern to users in a country other than your own, if you misrepresent or conceal your country of origin or other material details about yourself, is prohibited on the service.

Recreational drugs and drug-related content

Content that promotes or features the sale, use or abuse of illegal drugs, regulated legal drugs or substances, or other dangerous products is not suitable for the service.

Enabling dishonest behaviour

The service does not allow content that promotes any form of hacking or cracking and/or provides users with instructions, equipment or software that tampers with or provides unauthorised access to devices, software, servers or websites.

Examples: Pages or products that enable illegal access to mobile phones and other communications or content delivery systems or devices; products or services that bypass copyright protection, including circumvention of digital rights management technologies; products that illegally descramble cable or satellite signals in order to get services at no cost; pages that assist or enable users to download streaming videos if prohibited by the content provider.

The service does not allow content that promotes products and services that enable a user to track or monitor another person or their activities without their authorisation.

Examples: Spyware and technology used for intimate partner surveillance including, but not limited to, spyware/malware that enables a user to monitor another person's texts, phone calls or browsing history; GPS trackers specifically marketed to spy or track someone without their consent; promotion of surveillance equipment (e.g. cameras, audio recorders, dash cams, nanny cams) marketed with the express purpose of spying. This does not include: (a) private investigation services; or (b) products or services designed for parents to track or monitor their underage children.

Weapons and firearms-related content

Content focused on the sale, assembly, abuse or misuse of real or fake firearms or weapons intended to inflict harm on others is prohibited from the service.

Examples: Firearms, ammunition and other items including, but not limited to, firearms, disguised, undetectable or switchblade knives, martial arts weapons, silencers, ammunition, ammunition magazines, BB guns and tear gas.

Illegal content

We do not allow content that is illegal, promotes illegal activity or infringes on the legal rights of others.

Intellectual property abuse

We do not allow content that infringes copyright. It's our policy to respond to notices of alleged infringement that comply with the US Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). You can file a counter notification via this form.

Examples: Unauthorised copies of books, music, movies and other licensed or protected materials, including copies without proper attribution; unauthorised copies of software, video games and other licensed or protected materials, including OEM or bundled software.

We do not allow content that sells or promotes the sale of counterfeit products. Counterfeit goods contain a trademark or logo that is identical to or substantially indistinguishable from the trademark of another. They mimic the brand features of the product in an attempt to pass themselves off as a genuine product of the brand owner.

Sexual content

Child sexual abuse and exploitation

We do not allow content that sexually exploits or abuses children or content that promotes the sexual exploitation or abuse of children. This includes all child sexual abuse material.

We will take appropriate action, which may include reporting to the US National Center for Missing & Exploited Children and disabling accounts. If you believe that a child is in danger of or has been subject to abuse, exploitation or trafficking, contact the police immediately. If you have concerns that a child is being or was being endangered in connection with our products, you can report the behaviour to Google.

Compensated sexual acts

We do not allow content that may be interpreted as promoting a sexual act in exchange for compensation.

Sexually explicit content

We do not allow content that includes graphic sexual text, images, audio, video or games. We also do not allow content that contains non-consensual sexual themes, whether simulated or real.

Examples: Sex acts such as genital, anal and/or oral sex; masturbation; cartoon porn or hentai; graphic nudity. Rape, incest, bestiality, necrophilia, snuff, lolita or teen-themed pornography, underage dating.

We do not allow content that is made to appear appropriate for a family audience but contains adult themes, including sex, violence or other depictions of children or popular children's characters that are unsuitable for a general audience.

Terrorist content

Terrorist organisations are not permitted to use this product for any purpose. We do not allow any content made by or in support of terrorist groups or transnational drug-trafficking organisations, or content that promotes terrorist acts, including recruitment, or that celebrates attacks by transnational drug-trafficking or terrorist organisations. We will also take action against meeting organisers or participants for content related to terrorism, such as promoting terrorist acts, inciting violence or celebrating terrorist attacks.

Tobacco-related content

Content that promotes tobacco and tobacco-related products is prohibited for the service.

Implementation policies

In addition to the implementation policies listed below, when going through their implementation, Enterprise publishers should also refer to these requirements.

Requirements for publishers based in Germany: publishers based in Germany must implement the following:

  1. Surface a clearly and legibly labelled cancellation button that is always present on your website for German subscribers with the text 'Cancel contracts here' ['Verträge hier kündigen'] or an equivalent, unambiguous wording.
  2. Direct German users who have subscribed to your publication through Reader Revenue Manager and click on your cancellation button to request cancellation of their subscriptions.
  3. Respond to subscribers who incorrectly attempt to cancel a subscription purchased through Reader Revenue Manager directly with you, with a clear and unambiguous statement informing the subscriber that they should visit to request to cancel a contract that was purchased through Reader Revenue Manager.

Requirements for publishers based in France: Publishers based in France must implement the following:

  1. Surface a clearly and legibly labelled cancellation button that is always present on your website for French subscribers with the text 'Cancel contracts here' or an equivalent, unambiguous wording.
  2. Direct French users who have subscribed to your publication through Reader Revenue Manager and click on your cancellation button to request cancellation of their subscriptions.
  3. Respond to subscribers who incorrectly attempt to cancel a subscription purchased through Reader Revenue Manager directly with you, with a clear and unambiguous statement informing the subscriber that they should visit to request to cancel a contract that was purchased through Reader Revenue Manager.

What happens if you violate our policies?

To investigate potential violations of the programme policies, Google and its affiliates may access articles provided through Reader Revenue Manager where required to ensure compliance with our programme policies and Terms of Service.

For publishers that use Reader Revenue Manager for paid subscriptions, we may review the content provided through such subscriptions at the point of onboarding onto the Manager or during the subsequent publication of content. If violations of this policy are discovered, we may restrict or suspend your publication. In addition, if potential policy violations are reported to us, we may review such reports and take action against a publisher, regardless of whether your content is monetised or not.

Use of the service and any related accounts may be suspended or terminated if you have several violations or a serious violation. If this happens, all transactions on the service involved with any suspended account may be disabled – including already initiated transactions. We may no longer allow you to use the service and transact on it. Any related accounts may also get permanently suspended and you may not be allowed to open a new account.

We may also report any illegal activity in accordance with applicable laws.

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