Plan your coverage area

You can analyze a path and a point in Network Planner. You don’t need to run propagation before you examine a path.  

On the path profile, green areas are trees and grey areas are buildings.

Analyze a path

Important: Line of sight and the Fresnel zone are only visible if you choose a site with a device as the start or end of the path.

  1. On your computer, sign in to the Network Planner.
  2. Click View projects and, in the left panel, select your organization.
  3. In the center panel, select your project and click Open.
  4. At the top, click Path profile Path profile.
  5. On the map, click the start and end points for your path.
    • Tip: To run a path profile from your site, click a site as the start of the path.
  6. On the right, check the path profile to find the:
    • Start point
    • End point
    • Distance between the two
    • Tip: If the information panel is closed, select View details at the top right of the path profile panel to open it. 
  7. The Fresnel zone is shown as a blue ellipse around the direct path.
    • Important: Obstructions in the Fresnel zone may cause signal issues even if they don’t touch the direct path.
  8. To zoom in on the "Path profile," drag to highlight the area you want to zoom.
    • When you’re done, double-click to zoom out.
  9. To adjust the height of the antenna to find the necessary height for a clear Fresnel zone:
    • Click and drag the antenna in the path profile panel.
    • From the right panel, adjust the height or tilt fields. 
    • Important: You can adjust the user antenna height to find an appropriate height at the current location. The change isn’t saved, won’t carry over to the next path profile, and doesn’t change the project settings.
  10. To exit this view, in the "Path profile" panel, click Close Close.

Analyze a point

  1. On your computer, sign in to the Network Planner.
  2. Click View projects and, in the left panel, select your organization.
  3. In the center panel, select your project and click Open.
  4. In the top left, click Select Select.
  5. To create a point, click on the map.
  6. Review information about the point:
    • In the right panel, review point details.
    • On the map, review line of sight details.
  7. When you’re done, to remove the point, click any unoccupied space on the map.

 Understand line of sight

Lines connect the selected location and the 5 sites closest to the location. The color of the lines indicate the following:

  • Green: The point has a clear line of sight to the clear Fresnel zone.
  • Yellow: The point has a partially obstructed Fresnel zone.
  • Red: The point has an obstructed line of sight.
  • Blue: The site doesn't have a device.
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