Export data from Network Planner projects

What you can export

You can export data which you created in or imported to your Network Planner projects.


You can export a Sites file which includes the locations and installation parameters of all sites and devices in your project as a single CSV file.

Coverage studies or heatmaps

Coverage study overlays, also known as coverage heatmaps, can be downloaded by running an Export Coverage report which can produce either GeoTIFF files or KMZ files contained in a single ZIP file.


You can export a Home Accessibility report as a single CSV file. You can export a Deployment Stats report as a ZIP file containing multiple CSV files. Individual solutions from Auto Planning reports can be exported indirectly.

Data points and boundaries

You can export data point sets as CSV files and boundary overlays as KML files.


You can export antenna patterns as CSV files.

Project & band settings

You can export project root settings and band settings for a particular project by running an Export Project report. This report generates a single ZIP file which also includes site configurations and in-use antenna patterns. The report also includes data point sets and boundary overlays.

Export the project data with an Export Project report


  • Export Project reports don’t include Coverage studies, Auto Planning reports, or Deployment Stats reports. Find the sections in this article on how to download them separately.
  • Only in-use antenna patterns are included in the report. If your project includes Home Accessibility reports, the report results are included as CSV files.
  • Input parameters and metadata like point radius, date and time of the coverage run, or report description aren’t included in the exported Home Accessibility results. Record them separately, if needed.

You can run an Export Project report to download a single ZIP file for your project which contains:

  • Project root settings and band(s) settings as CSV files
  • All in-use antenna patterns as CSV files
  • Site configurations as a CSV file
  • Any present boundary overlays as KML files
  • Any present data point sets as CSV files
  • Home Accessibility report results, if present

To create and download an Export Project report:

  1. On your computer, sign in to the Network Planner.
  2. Click View projects.
  3. Select your project.
  4. Click Open.
  5. On the left, click Reports and then Export Project Download.
  6. On the right, name the report.
  7. Click Start export project report.
  8. Once the report is complete, click Download results.

Tip: The report is available to download for 24 hours. If you miss this window, you can run the report again.

Exporting sites

Follow these steps to export sites and device configurations from a Network Planner project:

  1. On your computer, sign in to the Network Planner.
  2. Click View projects.
  3. Select your project and click Open.
  4. From the left-side Sites panel, click Export to download a CSV file with the locations and installation parameters of all the sites and devices in the project. Learn more about managing sites & devices.

Exporting antennas

You can export an antenna pattern as a CSV file which uses the same format as the Network Planner Antenna template.

To export an antenna pattern from your Network Planner organization:

  1. On your computer, sign in to the Network Planner.
  2. Click View projects.
  3. Select a project.
  4. Click Open.
  5. On the left, click View antennas Device.
  6. Select an antenna from the list on the left, which will open an info panel on the right.
  7. To find the option to “Export antenna” as a CSV file, you can either:
    • Right-click on an antenna listed in the Antennas panel on the left.
    • At the top right of the "info panel,” click the 3-dot Context menu.
To find out more about the format of the Network Planner Antenna template, learn how to manage your organization's antenna library.

Exporting coverage studies or heatmaps

Coverage study overlays can be downloaded by running Export Coverage reports which can produce either GeoTIFF files or KMZ files.

Important: Before you run an export coverage report, run study layers and have a boundary overlay for the coverage area you want to export. 

  1. On your computer, sign in to the Network Planner.
  2. Click View projects and, on the left, select your organization.
  3. Select your project and click Open.
  4. On the left, click Reports  and then Export coverage Download.
  5. On the right, name the report and add a description. 
  6. Select the boundary of the coverage area you want to export. 
    • If there are existing boundaries, choose them in the "Boundary" menu.
    • To upload KML files, click Upload KML.
    • To draw a new boundary overlay, click Draw boundary.
  7. Select a Coverage run, identified by the date and time that the study layers were run.
  8. To choose which file format you want to export, in the "Format" drop down menu, select GeoTIFF or KMZ.
    • Tip: If you use Google Earth to view your exported coverage maps, select KMZ and then low or medium resolution. Use native resolution only for small areas. 

Download your coverage report results

  1. At the bottom right, click Start export coverage report.
    • The project is locked while the report runs. You can close the window. 
  2. Once the report has finished, click Reports .
  3. Select your report and click Download results
  4. The downloaded .zip file contains a separate file for each available coverage area heatmap.

Exporting Home Accessibility reports

Home Accessibility reports can be downloaded as a CSV file. Learn how to export the home accessibility report data.

Exporting Deployments Stats reports

You can export a Deployment Stats report as a ZIP file which contains a CSV file for each chart included in the report. Learn how to export your deployment stats report.

Exporting data from Auto Planning report solutions

Data from Auto Planning reports can be exported indirectly by creating a new Network Planner project from the solution, then exporting the sites and any other data you're interested in from that project. Learn how to autoplan your network.

Follow these steps to create a project from an Auto Planning solution:

  1. On your computer, sign in to the Network Planner.
  2. Click View projects.
  3. Select the project that has the report you're interested in and click Open.
  4. On the left, click Reports .
  5. Select a completed Auto Planning report from the left-side panel to list the solutions.
    1. Tip: Make a note of the report settings and thresholds in the right-side panel if needed. A project created from an Auto Planning solution includes the sites selected by the solution and any boundaries and data point sets from the original project. But the report settings and solution performance charts will not be copied to the new project.
  6. From the list of solutions that appears below the map, select the solution you're interested in and click to "Create project from solution," then click Ok.
  7. Watch the lower left corner of the screen. When the solution project is ready, you'll see "Project duplication complete" and you can click Open to go to the solution project.
    1. Tip: To find your solution project later, look for the project named "Auto-planning solution for [Project name]" in the Projects list.
  8. From the Auto Planning solution project, export the data you're interested in. For example, you might want to export sites or you might want to run study layers and export the resulting coverage heatmaps.

Exporting data point sets

Follow these steps to export data point sets from a Network Planner project:

  1. On your computer, sign in to the Network Planner.
  2. Click View projects.
  3. Select your project and click Open.
  4. On the left, click Overlays to "View overlays."
  5. Select the data point set you want to export.
  6. You can find the option to Export data point set either by:
    • Right-clicking the data point set in the left-side "Overlays panel."
    • Clicking the context menu at the top of the right-side "info panel," which will download the data point set as a CSV file.

Important: If you're using the Description field in the Metadata tab of a data point set’s right-side info panel, consider copying and saving that text manually. The description isn't retained in the exported CSV. The export also will not retain any Style settings used to customize how the data appears in the Network Planner.

Exporting boundaries

Follow these steps to export any boundary overlays which you've imported or created in a Network Planner project:

  1. On your computer, sign in to the Network Planner.
  2. Click View projects.
  3. Select your project and click Open.
  4. On the left, click Overlays to "View overlays."
  5. On the left, find the boundary overlay you're interested in and right-click, control-click, or press and hold to open the context menu.
  6. Click Download polygon in the context menu to export the boundary as a KML file.

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