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How to fix: Additional or promotional info

Remove all promotional text and only describe your product so customers can better understand your product

In this article

Why this issue is happening

One or more of the attributes associated with your product offer contains promotional text or text that is irrelevant for the attribute.

For example, say one of your products is a green couch, and within the value you submit for the description [description] or title [title] attribute for this product you include the phrases "Best Price Guarantee", "30 Day Money Back Guarantee", or "Free Shipping". These phrases are considered promotional text and should not be included in the description attribute for this product because they are an irrelevant part of the description.

How to fix the issue

Make sure each of your offers has a unique set of attributes or attribute values, and remove any promotional text from your product data.

Fix products one by one directly in Merchant Center

Step 1 Go to Products in Merchant Center, then select the Needs attention tab.

Step 2 Use the filter icon above the table to find all products affected by your issue.

Step 3 Click on the title of the product you want to fix, then click Edit product.

Step 4 Enter a unique set of attributes or attribute values for your offers, and remove any promotional text from your product data.

Step 5 Select Save.

Fix multiple products at once

Step 1 Go to Products in Merchant Center, then select the Needs attention tab.

Step 2 Use the filter icon above the table to find all products affected by your issue.

Step 3 Select the download icon to download a list (.csv) of all affected products for all issues or this particular issue.

Step 4 Cross reference the downloaded list with your uploaded product data, and make sure each of your offers has a unique set of attributes or attribute values. Also remove any promotional text from your product data.

Step 5 Reupload your corrected product data to Merchant Center using your chosen upload method.

Next steps

After making the requested changes, check that you’ve fixed the issue by making sure it’s no longer listed on the “Needs attention” page.

Keep in mind: It may take some time for your change to be reflected on the “Needs attention” page.

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