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Implementation guide

Step 1: Configure your accounts

If you’re looking for information about configuring your accounts in Merchant Center Next, click here.


This article provides details about how to set up the accounts you need to run promotions.

Google needs you to provide specific information about your business and products before your promotions will display. Set up your accounts so you can begin.

If you already have an active products feed in your Merchant Center account, a Google Ads account for your Shopping campaigns, and promotions are enabled in your account, skip to step 2 of this guide.

Set up Merchant Center

Your product information lives in Merchant Center. To set up your account, follow the steps below:

  1. To house your products feed, create a Merchant Center account
  2. To provide details about your business, set up your Merchant Center account
  3. To make sure your website meets all requirements, verify and claim your website URL
  4. To tell Google what products you sell online, create a products feed

Set up Google Ads

Use your product information to run ads on Google. To set up your Google Ads account, follow the steps below:

  1. To manage ads, set up a Google Ads account
  2. To run Shopping campaigns, link your Google Ads account to Merchant Center

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