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Implementation guide

Step 4: Register and upload your data source

This article provides details about how to submit your promotions data to your Merchant Center account by uploading a data source. Note that this step is only required if you created a promotions data source. You can skip this step if you used the promotion builder tool.

How to register a promotions data source

You must register a promotions data source in your Merchant Center account once per target country. To register your promotions data source, follow the steps below:

  1. In your Merchant Center account, click Promotions in the left navigation menu.
  2. On the page that loads, click the Add promotion dropdown.
  3. SelectAdd promotion source.
  4. Provide the target country, then click Continue.
    • Note: If you choose France or Germany as your target country, the content language should be French or German, respectively. If your target country is Canada, you may submit a promotion in either English or French. If you have promotions for both languages, submit separate data sources per language.
  5. Next, name your product data source and select your input method. There are 3 input methods to choose from:
    • Google Sheets
    • Scheduled fetch
    • Upload
  6. Click Continue and follow the steps below to upload your promotions data source according to your selected method.

How to upload a promotions data source

Follow these steps to upload a promotions data source based on the input method you chose while registering your product data source.

Google Sheets

  1. Choose to either Generate a new Google spreadsheet from a template or Select an existing Google spreadsheet.
  2. If you selected “Select an existing Google spreadsheet”:
    1. Browse to locate to the file of the existing Google spreadsheet that you created on your computer
    2. Click Select to choose your file.
  3. (Optional) Add an upload schedule to your data source.
  4. Click Continue.

Scheduled fetch

  1. Enter the name of your file.
  2. Add your fetch frequency and time zone.
  3. Provide the URL to access your file.
  4. (Optional) If your URL is password protected, provide your login details.
  5. Click Continue.


  1. Enter the name of your data source file.
  2. (Optional) Upload your file.
  3. Click Continue.

Promotion approval process

Before your promotion can show on Google, it will go through a Policy review and SKU review to ensure it meets all Editorial requirements and Promotions policies.

This process is typically completed within 12-24 hours of the promotion effective start time (the time that your promotion becomes active on your site). Learn more about the Promotion approval process and find answers to FAQs about Promotion Status.




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Want to receive one-on-one guidance and tailored recommendations on how to make the most out of Merchant Center? Try booking an appointment with Small Business Advisors.


Important: This service cannot troubleshoot issues, including approving Business Profile verification, resolving product disapprovals, account warnings or suspensions, or Google Ads billing.


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