
This help center shows articles applicable to Merchant Center Next. Learn more about the upgrade and get answers to frequently asked questions.

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Shipping [shipping]

The shipping [shipping] attribute lets you provide shipping speed and cost for a product. Use this attribute when the shipping settings aren’t defined at account level in Merchant Center or if you wish to override the account level shipping settings for individual products.

For example, you can use the shipping [shipping] attribute to override your shipping settings for bulky or fragile products.

In this article

When to use

This icon represents whether the sourced content is dependent where the product attribute is used It depends: You may or may not need to submit this attribute depending on the product or the countries in which your products show.

Shipping covers the cost charged by a shipping carrier or other costs directly related to shipping. A charge is considered to be a shipping cost if it includes the words "handling", "delivery", "shipping", "logistics", or "carrier". Shipping can include cross border charges if the cost is included under a shipping term on your website. Shipping should also include insurance costs related to any of the 5 terms above.

Shipping also covers speed, or the time from when a customer places an order to when they receive it. Shipping speed includes both handling time (sometimes referred to as processing time) and transit time. Handling time is the time from when an order is placed to when it’s handed off to the shipping carrier. Transit time is the time from when an order has been handed off to a shipping carrier to when the customer receives it.

Shipping speed and cost are the most common reasons for users abandoning their shopping choices, so showing accurate information can help the performance of your ads and free listings.

The shipping [shipping] attribute can also be used to specify the countries to which your product ships for programs that don’t require shipping costs.

Shipping costs can be provided via the shipping [shipping] attribute or at the account level.

How shipping cost could be displayed in your ad

Required Shipping costs are required for Shopping ads and free listings for any of the following countries:

  • Australia
  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • Brazil
  • Canada
  • Czechia
  • Denmark
  • Finland
  • France
  • Germany
  • Greece
  • Hungary
  • India
  • Ireland
  • Israel
  • Italy
  • Japan
  • New Zealand
  • The Netherlands
  • Norway
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Romania
  • Slovakia
  • South Korea
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • The United Kingdom
  • The United States

You may be required to provide shipping costs in additional countries based on local laws or regulations.

Use this attribute to specify additional countries your product ships to.

Also, use this attribute when shipping costs for your product aren't defined in Merchant Center or when you need to override the shipping settings that you set up in Merchant Center, such as for bulky or fragile products.


The shipping [shipping] attribute uses sub-attributes to define country, delivery area, service, price, handling time, and transit time.

These are the various sub-attributes:

  • Country [country] (Required)
    The country that the product can be delivered to. Submit an ISO 3166-1 country code (for example: CH).

  • Delivery area (Optional)
    To specify where your product can be delivered, submit one (and only one) of the following:
    1. Region [region] (Optional)
      Submit a region, state, territory, or prefecture. This is supported for Australia, Brazil, France, Germany, India, Japan, New Zealand, and the United States. Submit a subdivision code from the ISO 3166-2 code tables (AU, BR, FR DE, IN, JP, NZ, US) without country prefix (for example, NSW, RJ, ARA, BE, AP, 03, AUK, NY).
    2. Postal code [postal_code] (Optional)
      Submit a postal code range. This is supported for Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, India, New Zealand, and the United States.
      • Use a ZIP or postal code (for example, 94043 for US and 2009 for Australia).
      • Use a range of postal codes (for example, 94002-95460 for US and 2009-3000 Australia).
      • Use a range of postal codes using a prefix with a wildcard ( * ) (for example, 94*).
      • Use a range of postal codes using 2 prefixes with wildcards ( * ) (for example, 94*-95*).


      Use codes before the hyphen (for example, if the postal code is 30260-070, use 30260).


      • Use the postal code Forward Sortation Area (FSA) identifier and don’t include Local delivery Unit (for example, M5H).
      • Use a range of FSAs using a prefix with a wildcard ( * ) (for example, K*).

      The United Kingdom

      Use the outward code (for example, if the postal code is N1C 4AG, use N1C).

    3. Location ID [location_id] (Optional)
      Submit a numeric criteria ID of your location defined by Google Ads API (AdWords API) (for example, for California use 21137). This is supported for Australia (state), Brazil (state), France (region), Germany (state), India (state and territory), Japan (prefecture), New Zealand (region), and the United States (state).
    4. Location group name [location_group_name] (Optional)
      Submit a location group that you set up in your "Region" settings in Merchant Center. Use the "Region ID" for the location group name. Use those group names here (for example: West Coast, Outback). This is supported for Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, India, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
  • Service [service] (Conditionally optional)

    Note: Service [service] sub-attribute is conditionally optional. If you are using offer level shipping attribute and want to provide multiple shipping options, the service [service] sub-attribute is required. It functions the same as policy name at the account level, so Google can identify it's a different shipping service.

    • Use this sub-attribute if you have multiple shipping options for a single location. For example, “Standard” and “Express” shipping options.
  • Price [price] (Required to provide shipping speed overrides, otherwise optional)
    • Submit a fixed shipping cost, and use a period [.] as the decimal separator (for example: 3.00 USD). Avoid commas [,] to ensure that the price is interpreted correctly.
If you submit the price [price] sub-attribute of the shipping [shipping] attribute, the account shipping service settings (including shipping service delivery times and minimum order value) will be ignored for the matching location for that product.
  • Handling time (Optional)
    To specify how long a product may spend in handling submit the following sub-attributes:

You can also use the standalone handling time attributes instead of the shipping handling time sub-attributes. If you use both the handling time sub-attributes and the standalone handling time attributes, only the shipping sub-attributes are considered.

Use business days. For example, if a customer orders on Tuesday and the shipment leaves the warehouse on Friday at the latest, the maximum handling time is 3 days.

  • Transit time (Optional)
    To specify how long a product may spend in transit, submit the following sub-attributes:
    • Minimum transit time [min_transit_time]
      This is the minimum number of days between when a product is handed off to a shipping carrier and when it's delivered to the customer.
    • Maximum transit time [max_transit_time]
      This is the maximum number of days between when a product is handed off to a shipping carrier and when it's delivered to the customer.
Note: For Google to calculate shipping speed, you must provide values for both the maximum handling time [max_handling_time], either the sub-attribute of shipping or the standalone attribute, and the maximum transit time [max_transit_time] sub-attribute of the shipping [shipping] attribute. You must also submit a value for the price [price] sub-attribute of the shipping [shipping] attribute for your handling time and transit time sub-attributes to be considered valid.


Follow these formatting guidelines to ensure Google understands the data you're submitting. Learn how to Submit attributes and attribute values.

Type Unicode characters (Recommended: ASCII only)
Supported values


For RO:




For KRW:


For CLP:

For COP:

For IDR:

For VND:

Repeated field

(What’s this?)

Submit the shipping [shipping] attribute up to 100 times per product property

(What’s this?)


Type: OfferShippingDetails (Supported properties)

File format Example entry
Text feeds

Format the name by including which sub-attributes you’re submitting. Include shipping [shipping], and then, in parentheses, add the names of the sub-attributes that you want to submit separated by a colon ( : ).

For example, to submit country, postal code, price, handling time, and transit time:



If you name the sub-attributes you're using, you can give them to us in any order. However, if you provide sub-attribute values but do not name them, we’ll assume that your attribute values include sub-attributes in this order:

  1. Country [country]
  2. Region [region]
  3. Service [service]
  4. Price [price]

Format the value by submitting the value of each sub-attribute listed in the same order as in the name and separated with a colon ( : ). Don’t use quotation marks. For example:

Name shipping(country:postal_code:price:min_handling_time:max_handling_time:

Possible value US:80302:6.49 USD:1:3:2:5

To submit multiple locations, submit the attribute (with the same name) multiple times. For example:

Name shipping(country:postal_code:price:min_handling_time:max_handling_time:

Possible value US:94002-95460:0 USD:1:3:2:5

Name shipping(country:postal_code:price)
Possible value US:900*-901*:15.99 USD

If you don’t want to provide an optional sub-attribute for a particular product, then still add a colon ( : ), but leave the text blank. For example:

Name shipping
Possible value US:::6.49 USD

Name shipping(country:region:price)
Possible value US::6.49 USD

XML feeds

Include the optional sub-attributes if you need them. To specify a shipping cost for different delivery locations, submit the shipping [shipping] attribute multiple times including the relevant sub-attributes for each.


g:country US/g:country

g:region MA/g:region

g:service Ground/g:service

g:price 6.49 USD/g:price

g:min_handling_time 1/g:min_handling_time

g:max_handling_time 3/g:max_handling_time

g:min_transit_time 2/g:min_transit_time

g:max_transit_time 5/g:max_transit_time



g:country US/g:country

g:region MA/g:region

g:service Express/g:service

g:price 15.99 USD/g:price

g:min_handling_time 1/g:min_handling_time

g:max_handling_time 3/g:max_handling_time

g:min_transit_time 2/g:min_transit_time

g:max_transit_time 5/g:max_transit_time


To format your data for Content API, view the Content API for Shopping resource.

Note: To ensure that this product data attribute gets recognized by our system correctly, remember to submit your data source file in a format that we support.

Minimum requirements

These are the requirements you'll need to meet to show your product. If you don't follow these requirements, we'll disapprove your product and let you know in your Merchant Center account.

  • Submit complete and correct shipping information, including speed and costs.
  • Shipping speed and cost are 2 of the most common reasons why shoppers abandon a product, so be sure that your shipping settings are accurate and up to date to make your ads and listings effective.
    • Include all relevant shipping charges. Include all charges for a purchase that include the words "shipping", "delivery", "handling", "logistics", or "carrier".
    • Overestimate if you can’t provide an accurate shipping cost. Match or overestimate the cost users would pay. Note that overestimating excessively may negatively impact your product performance.
  • Use the rate for shipping directly to an individual. Don’t use other rates such as the rate for shipping to a store or a rate that requires a membership to be applicable.
  • Display product details on your landing page to all users. Ensure when a user clicks your ad, can view details about your product, even if you don’t ship to the user’s location.
  • Comply with local laws when submitting shipping information.
  • Provide the country sub-attribute. Always provide the country [country] sub-attribute of the shipping [shipping] attribute to ensure your products ship correctly.

Best practices

These best practices can help you go beyond the basic requirements to optimize your product data for performance.

  • Use account shipping settings in Merchant Center. With these settings you can create simple flat rates or complex, custom models. Use the shipping [shipping] attribute as a last resort to override the settings you create in Merchant Center.
  • Submit a shipping price that can be represented in your target country's currency (according to ISO 4217). For example, instead of 1.0012 USD, submit 1.01 USD. If your price can’t be represented in your target country's currency, then we’ll round it to a value that can.
  • If you submit the attribute multiple times, avoid submitting conflicting information. For example, don’t submit 2 different prices for the same region or the same service class.
  • Submit shipping promotions through the promotions feed. For example, if you're offering free shipping for a 2 week summer sale, upload a shipping promotion in the merchant promotion feed and enter the dates that it is valid for. Using the code will give consumers free shipping when they check out on the website.
  • Submit all additional shipping-related charges that you charge as a merchant and that are not government-imposed. For example, service, processing, activation, and handling charges. Don’t submit this information as part of the tax [tax] or price [price] attributes, instead bundle them with the shipping cost in the shipping [shipping] attribute, or using the Merchant Center shipping settings.
  • Do not include government-imposed fees such as import duties, recycling fees, copyright fees, or state-specific retail delivery fees in the shipping cost.
  • Submit shipping costs for any region you ship to. If you don’t submit a shipping cost for a region that you ship to, either in your product data or through your account shipping settings, your product or account could be disapproved.
  • Align your Shopping campaigns in Google Ads with your shipping settings and the availability of your product.
Note: If your primary data feed is for a country where shipping is mandatory, and you also sell in a country where it’s not (and have therefore not submitted shipping information), your product may still display a “price + shipping charges” annotation when shown on the Shopping tab in the country for which you did not provide shipping information. To avoid a “price + shipping charges” annotation, ensure that you're only selling in countries where shipping is not mandatory.

Additional guidelines

Review each section closely to determine if the requirements apply to your country or product. If you don't follow requirements that apply to you, we'll disapprove your product and let you know in your Merchant Center account.

The United States

For the state of Colorado, don’t include any retail delivery fee in your product feed. Therefore, a retail delivery fee shouldn’t be included in shipping [shipping], price [price], tax [tax], or any other attribute. Learn more about Colorado retail delivery fee.

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom
  • Delivery to collections points in close proximity to a shopper's location is available only at account level and shipping costs should also be submitted at the account level.
Argentina, Chile
  • Submit the shipping cost for a user’s address, a collection point, or store pickup.


  • Shipping costs must be added for any book sales in France.
Exclude shipping destinations
  • Match availability on your landing page with the delivery settings in your product data. If you don’t deliver your products across the entire target country, only submit shipping cost for the regions that you deliver to.
Shipping from outside the target country
  • Prominently state on your landing page that additional customs related fees may apply. For example, add a disclaimer during checkout so users are aware of these fees before they place the order. Don't submit import or export related information as part of the tax or price attributes.
Software subscriptions and downloads
  • Submit shipping cost as 0 (if shipping cost is required for your target country) when advertising an intangible product such as a software subscription, digital content, or downloadable software. You can submit shipping cost through the shipping [shipping] attribute or through your account shipping settings.

Offer level shipping policy overrides

When the shipping attribute is used to configure shipping at the offer level, you can provide different shipping cost or speed based on factors like regionality by shipping attribute override. There are 2 ways to override shipping attribute, and each shipping offer can have up to 100 shipping overrides:

Shipping policies separated by comma (,)


Item ID Title Shipping
1 Product 1 US:94*:$1:0:1:2:3,US:95*:$5:0:1:2:3

Additional shipping columns


Item ID Shipping Shipping
XXX US:94*:$1:0:1:2:3 US:95*:$5:0:1:2:3


Text formatting

To format the name, include "shipping", and then in parentheses add the names of the sub-attributes that you’re submitting separated by a colon ( : ).

For example, to submit country [country], postal code [postal_code], and price [price]:

Name shipping(country:postal_code:price)

Format the value by submitting the value of each sub-attribute listed in the same order as in the name and separated with a colon ( : ).

For example:

Name shipping(country:postal_code:price)
Possible value US:80302:6.49 USD
Possible value US:30*:12.75 USD

You can also just submit the price.

For example:

Name shipping(price)
Possible value 6.49 USD

If you don’t include sub-attributes in the name, still submit values for all 4 sub-attributes in this order: country [country], region [region], service [service], price [price].

For example:

Name shipping
Possible value US:CA:Express:6.49 USD

If you don’t want to provide an optional sub-attribute (like service) for a particular product, then still add a colon ( : ), but leave the text blank.

For example:

Name shipping
Possible value US:::6.49 USD

Name shipping(country:region:price)
Possible value US::6.49 USD

Repeated fields (regional shipping example)


You can submit up to 100 shipping values per item to indicate different costs for individual locations. To submit multiple locations, submit the attribute (with the same name) multiple times. For example:

Product data for an orthopedic dog bed

Attribute Value
Title [title] XXL Orthopedic Dog Bed
Shipping [shipping] US:94002-95460:0 USD
Shipping [shipping] US:900*-901*:0 USD
Shipping [shipping] US:902*-930*:15.99 USD


To submit multiple delivery groups for an XML feed, include an additional attribute for each delivery group. You can submit up to 100 shipping [shipping] attributes for each product.

<g:price>0 USD</g:price>
<g:price>4.99 USD</g:price>
<g:price>6.49 USD</g:price>

Postal codes

For Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, India, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States, you can submit ZIP codes or postal codes through the postal code [postal_code] sub-attribute. There are several different ways you can submit these values depending on the region.

Australia and the United States

  • Use a ZIP or postal code (for example, 94043).
  • Use a range of postal codes (for example, 94002-95460).
  • Use a range of postal codes using a prefix with a wildcard ( * ) (for example, 94*).
  • Use a range of postal codes using 2 prefixes with wildcards ( * ) (for example, 94*-95*).


  • Use codes before the hyphen (for example, if the postal code is 30260-070, use 30260).


  • Use the postal code Forward Sortation Area (FSA) identifier. Don’t include Local Delivery Unit (for example, M5H).
  • Use a range of FSAs using a prefix with a wildcard ( * ) (for example, K*).

The United Kingdom

  • Use the outward code (for example, if the postal code is N1C 4AG, use N1C).
  • Use a range of outward codes (SW1A-SW1Y).
  • Use a range of outward codes using an area code with a wildcard ( * ) (for example, N*). Include the full area without partial district code before *. For example, N* covers Northern London (N1 - N22), but not other area codes starting with N. For the North Western postcode area, you need to provide NW*.
Free shipping, software subscriptions, and downloads

Include free shipping by submitting a value of 0 USD in the currency of your target country for the price [price] sub-attribute of the shipping [shipping] attribute. If your product is intangible, such as with a one time download or a software subscription, you would also set the shipping to 0. For example:

Product data for a one year subscription for Google Security software priced at 29.90 USD

Attribute Value
Title [title] Google Security Software Basic Edition (one year subscription)
Price [price] 29.90 USD
Google product category [google_product_category] Software > Computer Software > Antivirus & Security Software
Brand [brand] Google
Shipping [shipping] US:::0 USD
Image link [image_link]

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