আপনি যে পৃষ্ঠাটির জন্য অনুরোধ করেছেন সেটি বর্তমানে আপনার ভাষায় উপলভ্য নয়। আপনি পৃষ্ঠার নিচে অন্য কোনও ভাষা বেছে নিতে পারেন বা Google Chrome-এর বিল্ট-ইন অনুবাদ ফিচার ব্যবহার করে আপনার পছন্দের ভাষায় যেকোনও ওয়েবপৃষ্ঠা অবিলম্বে অনুবাদ করতে পারেন।

Products that enable dishonest behavior

This policy applies to Shopping ads and local inventory ads

Our policy

Google values honesty and fairness, so we don’t allow the promotion of products that are designed to enable dishonest behavior.

Examples of what's not allowed

Products that enable dishonest behavior
Products that help users to mislead others
  • Examples: Fake or false documents such as passports or diplomas; aids to pass drug tests; custom or pre-written essays; invalid click or "ad spam" products
Products that enable a user to gain unauthorized access (or make unauthorized changes) to systems, devices, or property
  • Examples: Hacking devices; radar jammers; devices to change traffic signals; phone or wiretapping products
Products that enable a user to track or monitor another person or their activities without their authorization
  • Examples: Spyware and technology used for intimate partner surveillance including but not limited to spyware/malware that enables a user to monitor texts, phone calls, or browsing history; GPS trackers specifically marketed to spy or track someone without their consent; and promotion of surveillance equipment (for example: cameras, audio recorders, dash cams, and nanny cams) marketed with the express purpose of spying
Note: This does not include products designed for parents to track or monitor their underage children.

What you can do

Here's what you can do if your product is disapproved or if your Merchant Center account is impacted:

To ensure a safe and positive experience for customers, Google requires that retailers comply with all applicable laws and regulations in addition to our policies. It's important that you familiarize yourself with and keep up to date on these requirements for the place where your business operates, as well as any other places your ads are shown. When we find content that violates these requirements, we may block it from appearing. In cases of repeated or egregious violations, we may ban you from advertising content with us.

If you’re working with a third-party platform, some of these instructions may not apply to you. Refer to your third-party platform for instructions on how to resolve the issue and request a review. Learn how to find support if you use a non-Google platform.

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