
This help center shows articles applicable to Merchant Center Next. Learn more about the upgrade and get answers to frequently asked questions.

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How to fix: Incorrect tax information

Your account has either been warned or suspended due to this error

One or more of the values that you’ve submitted for the tax [tax] attribute (or in the Merchant Center account-level tax settings) for products targeting the United States is lower than the tax charged for these products on your website.

Taxes are a key part of the total price a person has to pay for a product. By submitting accurate tax information for your Shopping ads and free listings, you ensure that you are displaying correct total prices to online customers.

You should have received an email asking you to update your Merchant Center tax rates by a certain date so that these values are consistent with those on your website.

For products targeting the United States, don't include any taxes in the price [price] attribute. Use the account-level settings and the tax [tax] attribute to provide applicable rates for taxes such as a Goods and Services Tax (GST), value-added tax (VAT), sales tax, or import tax. Learn more about how to correctly submit taxes in the US

If you can't provide the exact tax information, it is acceptable to overestimate the average tax rate that users visiting your website would be charged.

Note: No matter what tax amount you provide for Shopping ads and free listings, you're still responsible for collecting the appropriate amount of tax from your customers.

Learn more about how to submit taxes correctly for your target country


Step 1: Ensure that the tax information provided in Merchant Center matches the tax rates you charge on your website

  1. Investigate your update process to see what could be causing the problem:
    • Check the warning email for examples of products that are affected. Look for a common problem in your product data that could cause these tax issues.
    • Review your account-level tax settings and the tax [tax] attribute information in Merchant Center. You can specify tax information at the account level or the product level. In many cases, an account-level setup for taxes should be sufficient. If you have a more complex setup, you can use product-level overrides.
Note: If provided, the tax [tax] attribute value overrides the account level value.
  1. Once you’ve addressed the problem, update your product data to match your website.

Step 2: Resubmit your product data

After you’ve fixed the issue and updated your product data, resubmit it using one of these methods:

Step 3: Request a review

In some instances, if your account or one of your product offers is disapproved and you’ve either fixed the issue or you disagree with the issue, you can request a review. If the review is successful, your issue will disappear. If the disapproval remains and you’re uncertain with how to proceed, contact us for support.

Note: If you use a third-party platform to list your products, you may also be able to go to your third-party application to request a review.
If you’re working with a third-party platform, some of these instructions may not apply to you. Refer to your third-party platform for instructions on how to resolve the issue and request a review. Learn how to find support if you use a non-Google platform.

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