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Landing pages and tracking with dynamic remarketing

When creating dynamic remarketing ads within Google Ads, we'll use the landing page URLs included in the link[link] attribute of your product data. If you need to use a different URL, or you need to track that URL in a different manner, you can use one of the options below.

Use a different URL for the Dynamic ads campaign

If you need to use a different URL in your dynamic remarketing campaign, use the link for display ads[display_ads_link] attribute. You can add this attribute by reviewing the technical specifications and then making the following changes to your product data:

  • If using a TXT product data source - add a column with the heading display_ads_link and paste the new URLs you want to use under this column and next to each of the products. These URLs must be unencoded.
  • If using a XML product data source - update it using <g:display_ads_link>insert new unencoded landing page url</g:display_ads_link>
    • Also check on the namespaces declared at the top of your XML file - it's possible it's currently set at:
      <rss xmlns:g="" version="2.0">
      Update it to:
      <rss xmlns:g="" xmlns:c="" version="2.0">
  • If using API requests - update it using <sc:attribute name="display_ads_link">insert new unencoded landing page url</sc:attribute>
Note: If you implement the link for display ads[display_ads_link]attribute, this will override all of your URLs for dynamic ads only, including an ads redirect[ads_redirect]attribute. Shopping ads links will not be affected and will continue using the original link[link] URL, or ads redirect[ads_redirect] if it exists.

If you use ValueTrack parameters, the URL must be unencoded and read as a string for the ValueTrack parameters to work. Modify the above instructions to:

  • If using a TXT product data source - add a column with the heading display_ads_link and paste the new URLs you want to use under this column and next to each of the products. These URLs must be unencoded.
  • If using a XML product data source - update it using <g:display_ads_link>insert new unencoded landing page url</g:display_ads_link>
  • If using API requests - update it using <sc:attribute name="display_ads_link">insert new unencoded landing page url</sc:attribute>

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