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About fast shipping in Merchant Center

Providing fast shipping allows you to deliver products to customers within a shorter time frame. Set up fast shipping as an option to help secure orders from customers who value fast delivery speeds.

For fast setup, learn how to submit shipping information to Google.

On this page

Before you begin

  • Identify which products support fast shipping.
  • Set up fast shipping policies to accommodate multiple time zones. This ensures fast shipping can be fulfilled in target areas.
  • Determine your fees structure, including the delivery fee. We suggest summing up all the fees and pass it to Google as one delivery fee when creating a fee structure. Range-based shipping fee is supported.
  • Define delivery distance for each supplier location. If needed, limit each shipping zone to be able to accommodate fast shipping needs.


When you submit your products to Merchant Center, you may offer customers multiple shipping options:

  • Standard shipping: Cheaper but slow delivery times
  • Fast shipping: Faster delivery, including same-day and custom deliveries, at a higher cost.

Fast shipping can significantly drive sales of your products in Merchant Center:

  • Faster shipping experience: Fast shipping can help you secure orders from customers who highly value fast shipping expedited delivery and are willing to pay for it.
  • Reduce cart abandonment: Up to 1 in 5 customers will abandon carts based on delivery speed. Expedited shipping can help reduce cart abandonment and boost sales.
  • Boost product visibility: The “Get it fast” feature on Google Search allows customers to quickly filter products with faster shipping options. This filter may help boost product visibility and increase the chances of your products being purchased.
    • Note: Currently, the “Get it fast” feature is only available to the United States.
  • Stand out from competitors: Fast shipping can help you stand out from competitors who don't offer this option.


You can enable fast shipping annotations and badging such as “Free 3-day" or "Get it by [Date]”for your listings in the AU, CA, IN, JP, GB, US, if you meet the following criteria:

  • Your business should provide fast delivery fulfillment services for eligible products. The fast delivery settings you submit to Merchant Center should match what’s on your website.
  • The shipping cost for fast delivery should match the cost mentioned on your website.
  • Your listings should be available in the select countries.


Add fast shipping for online product listings

Merchant Center provides you with a straightforward way to set up your fast shipping options. If you currently have one shipping policy where the maximum speed is greater than 5 days, you’re eligible to add fast shipping.

There’ll be different opportunity cards on the “Overview” and “Shipping and returns” pages in Merchant Center. These cards will help you add fast delivery options depending on the information we crawled through the Google StoreBot from your website. Learn more About the Google StoreBot crawler.

When enabled, Google will automatically crawl your product pages and populate shipping information for you. However, you still have the flexibility to make any necessary edits. This feature simplifies the process and ensures accuracy while allowing you to maintain control over the shipping details.

Provide faster shipping from the Overview page in Merchant Center

  1. In your Merchant Center account, select Overview from the left navigation menu.
  2. Under “What to do next”, an opportunity card will appear if you’re eligible to add expedited shipping for your products:
    • If Google StoreBot has crawled your website, click Add shipping policy on the opportunity card.
    • If Google StoreBot hasn’t crawled your website, click Add your fastest shipping policy on the opportunity card.
    • You may also manually add and change custom shipping policies under Shipping and returns in the shipping policies tab.
  3. In the “Add shipping policy” dialog, make any necessary edits to your shipping policy.
  4. Click Save.

Provide faster shipping from the Shipping and returns page in Merchant Center

  1. In your Merchant Center account, select Shipping and returns from the left navigation menu.
  2. Click the Shipping info tab.
  3. Under “What to do next”, an opportunity card will appear if you’re eligible to add expedited shipping for your products:
    • If Google StoreBot has crawled your website, click Add shipping policy on the opportunity card.
    • If Google StoreBot hasn’t crawled your website, click Add your fastest shipping policy on the opportunity card.
  4. In the “Add shipping policy” dialog, make any necessary edits to your shipping policy.
  5. Click Save.

Add fast shipping policy

The “Add shipping policy” option allows you to easily add the minimum values needed to create a shipping policy. Crawled websites will fill in known values from data collected from your website. Websites that aren’t crawled can still have values filled in from your Merchant Center settings and data.
For fast shipping, Merchant Center allows you to input minimum and maximum delivery days, including same-day and custom delivery time values. You can also customize fulfillment days. Learn more About same-day delivery for online product listings.

Add custom delivery to your shipping policy

  1. Navigate to the “Add shipping policy” dialog.
  2. To add a custom value for delivery days, follow the steps below:
    1. To add a custom value for minimum delivery days: Under “Delivery time”, click the drop-down menu for “Min”. Then, select Custom. For “Days”, enter the minimum number of days for delivery.
    2. To add a custom value for maximum delivery days: Under “Delivery time”, click the drop-down menu for “Max”. Then, select Custom. For “Days”, enter the maximum number of days for delivery.
  3. Input all other required values for your shipping policy.
  4. Click Save.

“Get it fast” on Google Search

If you’ve configured more than one shipping policy in Merchant Center, Google Search will prioritize the option with the lowest delivery fee, followed by the option with the fastest delivery time.
For instance, if you offer free shipping with a 7-day delivery time and a $2.99 shipping option with 3-day delivery time, Google Search will display the standard shipping option with free shipping and 7-day delivery time by default.
The “Get it fast” feature on Google Search enables potential customers to quickly filter the products that they can get more quickly with expedited shipping. As such, offering an expediting shipping option can attract potential buyers willing to pay more for faster delivery.

Frequently asked questions

How do I set up fast delivery based on the user time zone?

To add same-day delivery based on the user time zone, you’ll need to set up a separate shipping policy for each time zone you’re targeting.

How to reflect additional service fees?

We currently don’t differentiate additional fees. Those fees should be included into the total shipping cost.

How to reflect fast shipping availability for a certain state or ZIP code range only?

In the “Transit time” page of the shipping policy set up, select Destination by zone from the drop-down menu. You can specify particular state or ZIP code ranges and set the minimum and maximum transit times.

Click Add row to add more custom transit times for specific states or ZIP codes. You can then set the minimum and maximum transit times for the rest of the states or ZIP codes in the “All other destinations” text fields.

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