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The dynamic remarketing method

Marketing methods (previously known as Destinations or Program) are used in Merchant Center to allow you to determine which Google products can show the items you uploaded in your data source. You select the marketing method(s) for your data source when you first upload the data source to Merchant Center.

Before starting

Activate dynamic remarketing in Merchant Center

The dynamic remarketing marketing method is available to advertisers with Merchant Center accounts as an add-on.To enable the dynamic remarketing Add-on.

  • In your Merchant Center account, click the Settings & tools iconTools and setting menu icon [Gear].
  • Select Add-ons.
  • Click Add-on dynamic remarketing card.
  • Click Activate.
  • If your Merchant Center account is already opted-in dynamic remarketing, the dynamic remarketing card will be present under Setting & tools Tools and setting menu icon [Gear]Your add-ons can look into the tab “Your Add-ons
  • If you cannot see the dynamic remarketing card in Merchant Center it is possible:
  • Display Ads are disallowed by the CSS.
  • the account type does not support this method. For example it is a Vehicle Listing Ads only account.

Deactivating dynamic remarketing in Merchant Center

To disable dynamic remarketing.

  • In your Merchant Center account, click the Settings & tools iconTools and setting menu icon [Gear].
  • Select Add-ons.
  • UnderYour-add ons.
  • Click Add on dynamic remarketing card.
  • Click Remove.
Note: Disabling dynamic remarketing in Merchant Center means the Display Ads destination disappears and is removed from offers. You can re-enable it back and this destination will be re-added to the offers.

View data on the dynamic remarketing marketing method in your Merchant Center account

If you have enabled dynamic remarketing, the following information will appear in your Merchant Center account:

  • List section in the Products page: You’ll be able to filter the data in the Products tab to show items that use the dynamic remarketing marketing method. When you click onto the product detail page for an item, you’ll view the status of the item for the dynamic remarketing marketing method.
  • Data sources page: Each time you register a new product data source, you’ll view the dynamic remarketing marketing method as an option for the products that can use the product data in that data source. If your data source contains any processing errors, you’ll view an indication next to each error whether or not the dynamic remarketing marketing method is impacted by that issue.

Your Merchant Center account may not reflect the most up-to-date information about disapprovals and serving for your items in the dynamic remarketing marketing method. For detailed reporting about your items and campaign status, review the reporting available in your Google Ads account.

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