Понастоящем заявената от вас страница не е налице на езика ви. Можете да изберете друг в долната ѝ част или незабавно да преведете която и да е уеб страница на избрания от вас език посредством вградената функция за превод на Google Chrome.

Video link [video_link]

Use the video link [video_link] attribute to provide more visuals for your product beyond your image attributes. Videos can show a product from different angles or a demonstration of the product in use.

Google Manufacturer Center - video link

In this article

When to use

Optional Optional for each product.


Follow these formatting guidelines to make sure that Google understands the data that you're submitting.

For details on when and how to submit values in English, learn more about submitting your product data.


Video URL (Must start with "http://" or "https://")

Limits Up to 2,000 characters

Repeated field

Yes, up to 10
File format Example value
Text (TSV)


To submit more than one video, separate each URL with a comma ( , ):

https://example.com/video1, https://example.com/video2

XML (Feeds) <g:video_link>https://example.com/video1</g:video_link>


These are the requirements your video will need to meet to be shown on Google. If you don't follow these requirements, we may not use your video.

  • All video links must use a video URL, starting with “http://” or “https://”.
  • Replace any special characters in video URLs with their URL-encoded equivalents. For example, replace commas with %2C. Refer to a URL encoding reference for a complete list.
  • Merchants must own the content licensing rights for ads. No payment to creators will be made through Google. Any compensation must be handled between the brand and creator directly.
  • Googlebot must be able to access videos publicly with no restrictions in robots.txt or otherwise.
  • Video links should be static and shouldn’t expire.
  • Merchants must authorize Google to make modifications to their submitted video links. This authorization allows Google to effectively crop and edit video into derivatives such as previews, thumbnails, and other formats for users.
  • Sound is optional.
Merchant Center and Manufacturer Center have distinctly different requirements for the video link [video_link] attribute. Merchant Center doesn’t support the use of YouTube videos, while YouTube videos remain a requirement for Manufacturer Center. Learn more about video link requirements for Manufacturer Center.

Best practices

These best practices can help you go beyond the basic requirements to optimize your product data for performance.

  • Use videos with at least a resolution of 720p (1280x720) or 1080p (1920x1080).
  • Use videos that show the product in use.
  • Submit links for the specific product. Don’t submit videos that represent the whole company instead of the product itself.


Product with one video

Attribute Value
Video link [video_link] https://example.com/video1

Product with 2 videos

Attribute Value
Video link [video_link]



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