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How to fix: No physical stores in countries where you sell products

Ensure your linked Google Business Profile contains stores in the same country you are targeting your local inventory ads or free local listings

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Reasons why the issue is happening

We have detected you have no physical stores in the country you are targeting your local inventory ads or free local listings. You must be physically located in the country for which your in-store products are targeted.

If you have a physical store in the targeted country, this can happen if the wrong Google Business Profiles has been linked to your Merchant Center account, or if the wrong stores were chosen.

How to fix the issue

Verify that you have linked the correct Google Business Profiles to your Merchant Center

Step 1In your Merchant Center, click on Business info.

Step 2Select stores.

Step 3You will view a list of stores associated with this Merchant Center account. You need at least one store in the country you want to run local inventory ads or free local listings.

Step 4If they are different or if you have not yet linked your stores, check the instructions mentioned in adding shops to Merchant Center.

Next steps

In some instances, if your account or a product offer is disapproved, you can request a review if you have fixed the issue or disagree with the decision. If the review is successful, your issue will disappear. If the disapproval remains and you’re uncertain with how to proceed, contact us for support.

Note: If you use a third-party platform to list your products, you may also be able to go to your third-party application to request a review.

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