
This help center shows articles applicable to Merchant Center Next. Learn more about the upgrade and get answers to frequently asked questions.

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Add additional target countries to a product data source

You can add additional target countries to your product data source to show your products to multiple countries. Use this option if you expect your products to remain the same for multiple countries and you don’t want to create a separate product data source.

You can view and edit the target countries of your product data source from the “Data sources” tab. You can find the “Data sources” tab via the Settings & tools icon Tools and setting menu icon [Gear] in the top right of Merchant Center or you can go to the "All products" tab and select the "View Data sources" link.

Depending on how you originally created your data source, you’ll follow different steps in order to add additional target countries:

For data sources created using website crawl or file upload

Step 1 In your Merchant Center account, click on the Settings & tools icon Tools and setting menu icon [Gear].

Step 2 Select Data sources.

Step 3 Under the “Product sources” tab, select a product source.

Step 4 In the window that opens, select the Your setup tab.

Step 5 Click on the pencil icon Edit to select the countries where you want your product data to be shown.

Step 5 Click Save.

For products manually added in Merchant Center or added using Content API

Step 1 In your Merchant Center account, click on the Settings & tools icon Tools and setting menu icon [Gear].

Step 2 Select Data sources.

Step 3 Under the “Product sources” tab, select a product source.

Step 4 On the 3-dot menu icon 3 dot icon, select Edit countries.

Step 5 In the “Add more countries” box, select additional target countries.

Step 5 Click Save.

To remove a country, de-select the country in the “Add more countries” box and click Save. If you need to exclude a country from specific products in your product data source, you can use the excluded countries for Shopping ads [shopping_ads_excluded_country] attribute.

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