Taotletud leht pole praegu teie keeles saadaval. Saate lehe allosas valida teise keele või kohe tõlkida mis tahes veebilehe oma valitud keelde, kasutades Google Chrome'i sisseehitatud tõlkefunktsiooni.

Add or update your e-wallet payment method

To improve purchase experiences for your customers, you can accept e-wallet payment which means that you can offer your customers the option to pay for their purchases using e-wallets (for example, Google Wallet).

Accepting e-wallet payment methods will also make the checkout process more convenient and efficient and this can help you improve your overall customer satisfaction score, which will be reflected in your Store Quality program rating.


To add or update your e-wallet payment method:

  1. Visit your website.
  2. Ensure that your indexing/robots tags are set up correctly. In some cases, Google StoreBot may also crawl your website automatically or when triggered by the site owner. Learn more about Google crawlers and fetchers.
  3. Add an e-wallet payment method to your checkout page.
  4. Ensure that your checkout process doesn't require customers to login. If customers need to log in, we won't be able to get your payment method information listed.
  5. After you’ve added an e-wallet payment method to your guest checkout experience, you need to wait for up to 30 days for the Store Quality program to show and validate this data.
  6. If the number of e-wallets shown on the Store Quality page doesn’t match what you currently offer, or if you don’t offer a guest checkout experience but accept e-wallet as a payment method, contact us.

The eWallet types currently tracked by the shopping experience scorecard are PayPal, Google Wallet, Apple Pay, and Amazon Pay.

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