About clothing virtual try-on

Google's new virtual try-on tool lets you view how clothes look on real people of different sizes and shapes. Users select a model from a diverse set of models, ranging in size from XXS to XXXL and Google's generative AI technology can accurately display how a piece of clothing drapes, clings and stretches, and even shows the wrinkles and shadows across different body types. The 'virtual try-on' badge on qualifying items is available across free listings and Shopping ads.

Google hopes to help consumers visualise how certain items will look on models that best resonate with them, and make informed choices that will increase their buying confidence.

Note: The models in these images are real humans, shot professionally by Google. The generative aspect of clothing try-on imagery is in combining the images of these diverse human models with photos of your garments from Merchant Center.

This animation represents virtual try-on, a tool that lets you view how apparel looks on real people of different sizes and shapes.

On this page


All brands with a shopping feed and high-quality imagery are automatically opted in to clothing try-on. Ensure that your imagery meets the below requirements:

  • Add high-resolution images that are at least 512 x 512 pixels, but ideally 1,024 pixels or higher.
  • The image should feature one garment on one front-facing model or mannequin in a simple pose, or laying flat on a surface.

Image best practices

To increase the probability of enabling try-on for your products, follow these best practices for your product images:

  • The image should contain only the listed garment
  • The image should show the entire garment
  • The garment must be on a model or mannequin, or laying flat
  • Models should be facing directly forwards with arms down to the side
  • Lay-flat garments should avoid excessive folds or wrinkles
  • Garment details should not be covered by hands, handbags or accessories

For tops:

  • Sleeves should be rolled down
  • Hoodies should have the hood down
  • Zips should be closed
  • Tops should be untucked

This animation is an example of virtual try-on best practices. The apparel must be on a model, mannequin or laying flat.

Shopping ads

All qualifying virtual try-on products are eligible to be displayed across paid Shopping ads on Search. To do so, simply launch a digital ad campaign through your Merchant Center or Google Ads accounts. Learn more about how to create a standard Shopping or Performance Max campaign.

If you're not familiar with Shopping campaigns, learn more about Shopping ads. Before you create your Shopping campaign, make sure that you meet the requirements.

Note that disabling the feature from your ads does not affect the displays of other merchants' offers for the same product.


What if I don't view this feature for my brand on Search?

Google is continuously working to improve our coverage. As we do so, the number of brands for whom this feature appears will increase, as will the number and types of garments for which the feature triggers on the search results page and in Shopping ads.

What if my brand doesn't sell products in XXS–XXXL?

Google will only show the correct range of model sizes that are consistent with each brand's available inventory and production.

What if I don't want my paid ads to include virtual try-on assets?

If you don't want your paid ads to include Google's virtual try-on assets of your products, you can opt out by contacting Google customer support using the contact form or directly from your Merchant Center account: Help > Help centre and support > Contact us.

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