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Display dates for promotion [promotion_display_dates]

Use the display dates for promotion [promotion_display_dates] attribute to specify the date and time frame when a promotion is displayed to the public.

When to use

Optional This optional attribute is supported by the promotions source only.

Note that if the display dates for promotion [promotion_display_date] attribute is not specified, the promotion start date [promotion_effective_dates] determines the date and time frame when the promotion is displayed to the public. Learn more about the difference between the promotion start date and display dates for promotion attributes.


Type String (Use the ISO 8601 standard)
File format Example value
Text feeds 2017-05-11T00:01:59-0800/2017-06-21T22:13:59-0800 for PST
XML feeds <g:promotion_display_date>2017-05-11T00:01:59-0800/2017-06-21T22:13:59-0800 for PST</g:promotion_display_date>

To format your data for Content API, refer to the Content API for Shopping resource.

Minimum requirements

These are the requirements you need to meet to show your product. If you don't follow these requirements, we'll disapprove your product and let you know in your Merchant Center account.

  • Start date and end date are separated by a forward slash (/).
  • The date format is (YYYY-MM-DD), followed by the letter ‘T’, the time of the day when the sale starts or ends, and by an expression of the time zone for the sale.


  • GMT is Greenwich Mean Time. -5 hours represents EST while -8 hours represents PST
  • Promotions have a 6- month limit (183 days)
  • Daylight Savings: -4 hours represents EDT while -7 hours represents PDT

Learn more about formatting dates and times when submitting your product data.


  • If your promotion was valid from 3:00 a.m. on July 19, 2009 to 9:00 p.m. on July 26, 2009 EST (Eastern Standard Time), you would submit:
    • 2009-07-19T03:00:00-05:00/2009-07-26T21:00:00-05:00
  • If your promotion was valid from 3:00 a.m. on July 19, 2009 to 9:00 p.m. on July 26, 2009 GMT (Greenwich Mean Time), you would submit:
    • 2009-07-19T03:00:00+00:00/2009-07-26T21:00:00+00:00

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