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Loyalty programme [loyalty_program]

A custom icon for Merchant Center Classic article header.

The loyalty programme [loyalty_program] attribute allows member prices and loyalty points to be set up in your Merchant Center account. Adding the attribute helps Google to accurately represent the benefits of your loyalty programme across Google properties.

On this page

When to use

Optional Optional

Loyalty programme [loyalty_program] is a group attribute that is optional for all products. It is used to specify loyalty pricing and loyalty points for your product for members of the loyalty programme that you have set up in Merchant Center.

Note: Loyalty programme [loyalty_program] is available for US and JP merchants. The attribute is only required if you want to display offer-level loyalty benefits and member pricing.


Loyalty programme [loyalty_program] has six sub-attributes:

  • Programme label [program_label] (required): This is the loyalty programme label set in your loyalty programme settings in Merchant Center. This sub-attribute allows Google to map your loyalty programme to eligible offers.
  • Tier label [tier_label] (required): The tier label [tier_label] sub-attribute differentiates offer-level benefits between each tier. This value is also set in your programme settings in Merchant Center and is required for feed changes even if your loyalty programme only has one tier.
  • Loyalty points [loyalty_points] (optional): A custom attribute, loyalty points [loyalty_points] indicate the points that the members gain on purchasing the product on your website. This needs to be a whole number as fractions aren't supported. The loyalty points [loyalty_points] sub-attribute can be specified at the tier level.
  • Cashback [cashback_for_future_use] (optional): Reserved for future use
  • Price [price]: This sub-attribute allows you to add member-specific pricing to your feed. This will be displayed alongside the non-member price to give shoppers an idea of the benefits of joining your programme.
  • Member price effective date [member_price_effective_date] (optional): This sub-attribute allows merchants to specify when their member pricing benefit begins and ends.

Note: Loyalty points [loyalty_points] and programme label [program_label] sub-attributes are applicable to US and JP merchants. The [price] sub-attribute is only available to US merchants.

US merchants can also display delivery-level benefits of their loyalty programme. Learn more about configuring the delivery settings for your loyalty programme.

For JP merchants, the only applicable loyalty benefit is loyalty points. In Merchant Center, you can set a default point earning ratio when you set up your loyalty programme. All offers will default to being displayed with this loyalty benefit. If you have products with point earnings that don't match the default earning ratio, you can use programme label [program_label], tier label [tier_label] and loyalty points [loyalty_points] in your loyalty programme [loyalty_program] attribute to override the default.


Follow these formatting guidelines to make sure that Google understands the data that you're submitting. Learn more About submitting product data

Type String (Unicode characters. Recommended: ASCII only)

The below example showcases an offer with a USD 10 price, and assumes that you have two loyalty programme tiers, 'silver' and 'gold'. In this case, if silver members earn 10 points, gold members earn 20 points.

File format Example value
Text feeds

Format the attribute header by including the sub-attributes that you're submitting. Include loyalty programme [loyalty_program], and then, in parentheses, add the names of the sub-attributes that you want to submit separated by a colon ( : ). Don't use quotation marks.

The programme label [program_label] and tier label [tier_label] sub-attributes are always required.

For example, to submit five sub-attributes (programme label [program_label], tier label [tier_label], price [price], loyalty points [loyalty_points] and member price effective date [member_price_effective_date]), submit the attribute header:


If only some of your products have sub-attribute values, you can use colons ( : ) as placeholders. Remember to still acknowledge those placeholder fields in your attribute header. For example, if all your products offer points but only some are eligible for member price, your data should look like this:

Attribute header: loyalty_program(program_label:tier_label:price:loyalty_points:member_price_effective_date)

Product with member price: program_label:tier_label:price:loyalty_points:member_price_effective_date

Product without member price:


XML feeds




<g:price>10.00 USD</g:price>







<g:price>9.00 USD</g:price>




To format your data for the Content API, see the Content API for Shopping.

Follow the formatting example if you're using text feeds to provide loyalty information. The format is applicable to both primary and supplemental feeds.

Google Sheets


Example entry


loyalty_program my_loyalty_program:silver:10 USD::10:, my_loyalty_program:gold:9 USD::20:2017-05-11T00\:01\:59-0800/2017-06-21T22\:13\:59-0800

Tab-delimited text file


Example entry


loyalty_program my_loyalty_program:silver:10 USD::10:, my_loyalty_program:gold:9 USD::20:”2017-05-11T00:01:59-0800/2017-06-21T22:13:59-0800”
  • Backslashes ('\') are needed in front of colons for the member price effective date sub-attribute value for Google Sheets.
  • Quotes (") are needed for the member price effective date sub-attribute value for tab-delimited (or tab-separated values) feeds.
  • Neither is needed for API or XML.
Note; The programme label and tier label will be used to set up delivery benefits. Learn more about configuring the delivery settings for your loyalty programme.
  • For text feeds, colons are required.
  • If some sub-attributes are missing, represent them as empty strings.
  • Separate the values for different membership tiers by commas. Don't add a space after the comma.

Minimum requirements

These are the requirements that you'll need to meet to show your loyalty programme benefits on Google. If you don't follow these requirements, we'll disapprove your loyalty programme and let you know in your Merchant Center account.

  • Ensure adherence to Google's editorial standards by reviewing the Help Centre and making sure that your benefits and programme data meet requirements.
  • Ensure that the currency of the price [price] sub-attribute of the loyalty points [loyalty_points] attribute matches the currency of the price [price] attribute.
  • Ensure that the price [price] sub-attribute of the loyalty points [loyalty_points] attribute is not higher than the price [price] attribute.
  • Ensure that the programme label [program_label] and tier label [tier_label] sub-attributes of the loyalty points [loyalty_points] attribute match one of the programme labels and tier labels configured under your Merchant Center account.
  • Ensure that the data provided to Google matches what's showcased on your website. Google will check to make sure that the benefits and programme information submitted in Merchant Center aligns with the information displayed on your website.
  • Ensure that member prices are clearly displayed on your website, either in the PDP (as a currency value or percentage off) or on your loyalty overview page.
  • Use the ISO 8601 standard to represent the effective dates for the member price effective date [member_price_effective_date] sub-attribute.

Best practices

These best practices can help you go beyond the basic requirements to optimise your loyalty programme data for performance.

  • Submit exact values for member pricing. For example, submit 1.01 USD instead of 1.0012 USD, otherwise we will round the submitted value.
  • Leverage the price sub-attribute under the loyalty_program attribute and make feed updates for member pricing instead of setting up a feed rule (unless 100% of your products are eligible for flat rate discount member pricing). This will improve accuracy and decrease the chances of dropping off of eligibility to show loyalty prices.

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