Make quick edits to product information in Merchant Center

The Product Editor allows you to update information like prices, images, availability at your shops and descriptions directly in Merchant Center. This article provides instructions for updating product information using the Product Editor.

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Quick answers

Can I use the Product Editor if I used a file (or another method) to add my products?

You can use the editor for any product regardless of how you originally added the products. It is recommended that you edit your products using the upload method that you originally used.

Google added my products to Merchant Center by automatic web crawling. Can I update specific details for specific products?

Yes, you can edit individual product details, such as adding a specific attribute, using the Product Editor.

My products were disapproved in Merchant Center. Can I use the Product Editor to update the information?

Yes, if your product is flagged due to missing or incorrect information, you can use the Product Editor to add or update the information.

The Product Editor overrides any changes that you made using another method for adding products. For example, if you uploaded your products using a file, a change made in the Product Editor will override the change in the file.

Edit a single product

The options available in the Product Editor differ depending on the type of shop that you have. For example, you may need to enter more information if you have both a physical shop and an online shop compared to if you only have an online shop.

Step 1 In Merchant Center, go to Products An icon for the products in Merchant Center..

Step 2 Click the title of the product that you want to edit.

Step 3 In the editor, update the fields for your product. Any updated fields are marked with an edit icon .

  • If you need to undo edits, click the edit icon , then select Undo edit. In the dialogue box, choose one or more edits, then select Confirm.

Step 4 When you've finished, select Save.

Note: You can increase resolution, remove backgrounds and generate a scene for your products using Product Studio, which is available for Merchant Center Next users and within the Google & YouTube app in Shopify.

Edit products in bulk

Note: Bulk operations may not be available to all merchants.

Step 1 In Merchant Center, go to Products An icon for the products in Merchant Center..

Step 2 On the 'All products' tab, select all the products that you want to edit.

Step 3 In the blue bar that appears at the top of the product list, click Edit. Then select the field that you would like to edit for the selected products.

Step 4 In the pop-up box, enter the new information that should be applied to the selected products. Then click Apply.

Next steps

  • If there are no issues with the information that you provided, your product is updated and published with the new details. This may take several minutes to process.
  • If your product is disapproved, review the reason for the disapproval in Merchant Center and then update the product details again based on the disapproval message.

Fix an issue

Issues with your products need to be fixed before customers can view them on Google. All issues with your product data can be found in the 'Needs attention' tab of the 'Products' section in Merchant Center.

Each product-level issue also contains a 'Learn more' link that directs you to specific instructions for fixing the issue. Learn more about issues in Merchant Center.

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