In this article
Reasons why the issue is happening
Your account has been warned or suspended because we've detected that your website needs improvement. Customers who see your store website should have a quality experience and be able to interact with product offers that are relevant and useful. There are several major reasons a website doesn’t meet the necessary standards:
- The website may be incomplete, as indicated by placeholder text or images.
- The website may be missing important information, featuring poor product descriptions, or creating a broken browsing experience.
- The website may also display irrelevant or inconsistent product categorization. For example, your business sells swimwear, but your return policy discusses technology products.
As a result, your account has been suspended or has limited visibility.
For subtitles in your language, turn on YouTube captions. Select the settings icon at the bottom of the video player, then select "Subtitles/CC" and choose your language.
How to fix your issue
There are several actions you might take to resolve this issue, depending on your account.
Review your domain name to ensure it's accurate.
- Example:
- .com for commercial sites
- .org for organizations
- .biz for businesses
Make sure there are no broken links on your website.
- Example:
- “Invalid URL”
- “404 error”
- “the destination has moved or no longer exists”
Make sure that there are no placeholder images or text on your website.
- Example:
- "Add customer reviews and testimonials to show your store’s happy customers"
- “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet”
Make sure that the product details on your website match those in your product data.
- Example:
- Content in the “About” section doesn’t match the product data being displayed.
Make sure that the product description and categories on your website match those in your product data.
- Example:
- Customer information
- Return or refund pages are inconsistent with your product listings.
Receive good reviews.
Ensure that you maintain a verified phone number and business address in the Business Information section of your Merchant Center account.
Next steps
After making the requested changes, we will review your website for compliance.
Keep in mind: It may take some time for your change to be reflected.
If your account or product gets disapproved you can either fix the problem and request a review, or disagree with the issue and request a review. There may be additional steps you can take, such as verification options, depending on the issue.
If the review is successful, your issue will disappear. In some cases, there's a limit on how many reviews you can request. This limit will be specified.
If the disapproval remains and you’re uncertain with how to proceed, contact us for support.