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Policy update: Digital books can no longer be advertised on Shopping ads

May 2021

What’s changing

Beginning May 18, 2021, Google will no longer support the advertising of digital books globally on Shopping ads. 

This means that all Shopping ads for digital books will be disapproved at the offer level, including those running at the time the policy goes into effect. Only digital books will be disapproved. This includes PDFs, ePub books, MOBI, and 電子書籍 formats. 

There will be no change for physical books or audiobooks. If any physical books or audiobooks are disapproved for being incorrectly classified as digital books, please request a review in Merchant Center. We don't expect this to be a common issue, and will address it swiftly if it happens.

At present, Google cannot provide the best user and publisher experience to meet the high standards for digital books in Shopping ads. While we understand this negatively impacts those who advertise digital books on Shopping, we believe this is the right decision to protect users, publishers, and the Shopping ecosystem. 

What’s not changing

This update only applies to Shopping ads for digital books. Listings for other types of books, like audiobooks or physical books, won’t change.

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