Google user
Original Poster
Jan 19, 2021

Why I can't upload my custom virtual background? I want to use the ones that aren't listed.

The Change background menu is fine, the only problem is that I can't select my own image for my background. I see "+" for other video calls. Certain video calls don't have the option "+". Actually, I want to make my background as an effect. Such as, I want to upload a cute background, as an effect, or a transparent news background animation, as a running text, or a cartoon beach, for example. I can do this in Zoom or Skype. Google Meet isn't it TOO FUN? And now you've revoked us to upload backgrounds in certain meetings. Please give me that "+" button! All of the times I SHOULD UPLOAD BACKGROUNDS THAT MAKE THE VIDEO CALLS AS AMAZING AS I CAN!!!
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Recommended Answer
Jan 29, 2021
Hi Brian and all on this thread,
Google has listened to users feedback.  A new feature allows school Admins to control the Meet background setting.    
 “Let users select custom images” option  is disabled by default for Education and Enterprise for Education domains.
For example, when the setting is OFF for the meeting organizer, participants ( students)  will not have the option to change their background regardless of their own settings. 
We’re adding the ability for admins to enable or disable the use of custom or preset backgrounds in Google Meet for meetings organized by an organizational unit (OU) level.
To have the desired setting reach out to your teacher or to your School Admin. 
P.S. Wutadamyt, evrything is fine! No worries. 
Diamond Product Expert NinCoT recommended this
All Replies (17)
Jan 19, 2021
Hi Brien,
Welcome to Google Meet support community!
Currently it is not possible to add your own background with GSUite for education account. Concerns are that it will be distracting along the online teaching process. 
 Users who join a G Suite for Education video call can’t select their own background images. 
I suggest you send feedback or a feature request: 
  • Select the Feedback icon (speech bubble with an exclamation mark)
  • Describe the issue or share your ideas.
  • Include the tag #FeedbackMeet
  • For a feature request include the tag #MeetFR
  • Select Include screenshot to help identify the issue.
  • Select Send.
For reference check the Help Center article.
Google user
Original Poster
Jan 21, 2021
I've attached the screenshot. The "plus" isn't listed. I can only use the existing ones. Remember: That Change background menu is fine, but the "+" is missing. Again, I want to use the ones that aren't listed. Otherwise, certain students may be unhappy. Should be back okay?
Jan 22, 2021
Brian: thank you for the screenshot! The plus is for uploading your own images which isn't currently availabble for users with G Suite Education accounts as explained in my answer above. 

I suggest you send feedback and tell directly Google Meet team why is this feature important.

Jan 26, 2021
I want to upload the background,mis
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