You can present a tab, a specific window or the entire screen in a meeting. While you present, you can share information such as documents, presentations and spreadsheets.
- If you want to share audio from your presentation, you must present a tab and have 'Also share tab audio' toggled on.
- Sharing your screen may be disabled for you due to the admin settings (if you're part of a Workspace organisation) or meeting host controls.
- On your computer, when you click Present in the green room before you join a meeting, you join in Companion Mode. When you use this option, your mic and speaker are unavailable.
- You can use picture-in-picture mode to concurrently present and find your audience. Learn how to use picture-in-picture mode.
Present during a video meeting
Tip: There can be a maximum of 10 simultaneous presentations in a meeting at a time.
To present your mobile screen to all video meeting participants, start a broadcast:
- Join a video meeting.
- Tap the screen
- Tap Share screen
Start sharing.
- To share your audio, select the tick box on the 'Present to everyone' pop-up. When audio is shared, noise cancellation might not be available.
- Tip: This is only available on the Meet app
- Tip: This is only available on the Meet app
- If you mute your microphone, your audio will stop being shared.
- To share your audio, select the tick box on the 'Present to everyone' pop-up. When audio is shared, noise cancellation might not be available.
Tip: You can present your screen during someone else's presentation. If you start to present, their presentation will pause.
To stop presenting your mobile screen, stop a broadcast:
- On your video meeting screen, tap Stop sharing
Join only to present
- Open the Meet app
- Tap a video meeting from your upcoming meetings.
- To enter a meeting with a code or nickname, tap Join with code.
Tip: You can only use nicknames with people in your organisation. Meeting nicknames are currently only available to Google Workspace users.
- Instead of Join, tap Share screen.
- In the 'About screen sharing' window, tap Continue.
- In the video meeting, tap Start broadcast.
Tip: You can present your screen even if someone else is already presenting.
Prevent participants from sharing their screen
Important: To use this feature, you must turn on host management.
Meeting hosts can stop participants from sharing their screen. If you turn presentations off in recurring meetings or meetings that use the same meeting code, the setting will be saved for the next scheduled meeting. If you turn presentations off in a one-time, nicknamed or instant meeting, the presentation setting will turn on after the meeting ends.
To turn screen sharing on or off
- In a meeting, tap the screen
- Tap Host controls
- At the bottom, turn Share their screen on or off.