Some people need to request permission before they can join the video meeting. For details, go to Join a video meeting.
Add people to a video meeting in progress
Add people to a meeting
- At the bottom right, click People
Add people
- Enter the name or email address
Send email.
Share joining info
- At the bottom right, click meeting details
- Click Copy joining info.
- Paste the meeting details into an email, or other app, and send.
Bulk admit participants to a Google Meet meeting
You can bulk admit participants and students into a Google Meet meeting. Only the meeting organizer can find or approve requests to join a meeting. The meeting organizer should stay in the meeting to approve requests.
- When a request to join the meeting appears, click Admit or Deny entry.
- Click View all when you have multiple participants waiting to join the meeting. Choose an option:
- Next to the name, click Admit or Deny entry to admit or deny participants one at a time.
- Click Admit all or Deny all to admit or deny all participants at the same time.
Remove people during a video meeting
Important: For meetings with Host Management on, only a meeting host or co-host can remove another participant from an ongoing meeting. If Host Management is off, anyone from the meeting organizers' domain can remove a participant.
Remove meeting participants or presentations
- Hover over a person's or presentation's tile.
- Click More options
Remove from the call.
Remove participants or presentations not on the layout
- At the bottom right, click Show everyone
- Next to the participant you want to remove, click More actions
- Select Remove from the call.
- On the box that opens, select one or more of the following options:
- To just remove a participant, select Remove.
- To remove and mark a participant as abusive, select Fill out an abuse report.
- To make sure a participant doesn’t rejoin the same meeting, select Block.
- Important: If you block a user, they are only blocked from the current meeting or concurrent meetings which use the same meeting code. They can still join other meetings you host. To allow users to rejoin a meeting they are blocked from, they must be manually re-invited from within the meeting.
Google Workspace for Education users: If a participant’s requests to join a meeting are denied twice, they won't be able to request to join the meeting again. In these cases, the meeting organizer can manually invite them back into the meeting.
Hosts can end the meeting for everyone on a Google Meet meeting. 'End the call for everyone' ends the meeting and automatically removes all participants, so that the hosts don’t have to remove participants manually.
To end a meeting for all:
- On the bottom, click Leave call
- On the window that appears, click End meeting for all.
- To leave the meeting but not end it for everyone, click Leave meeting.
Tip: End meeting for all will also end any open breakout rooms. If there are a lot of Breakout rooms open, the main room will end first and all other Breakout rooms may take up to a few minutes to end.