Allow notifications from Meet and Chat

To receive notifications from Meet and Chat, your browser settings must allow notifications.

Allow Meet and Chat notifications in Chrome

By default, Chrome alerts you whenever a website, app or extension wants to send you notifications. You can change this setting at any time.

If you’re browsing in Incognito mode, you won’t get notifications.

Update notification settings in Chrome

If you have turned off notifications for Meet and Chat, you can turn them back on.

  1. On your computer, open Chrome.
  2. At the top right, click More More and then Settings.
  3. Under 'Privacy and security', click Site settings.
  4. Click Notifications.
  5. Select the Meet or Chat entry and click More More and then Allow. For example:
    • Meet –
    • Chat​ –

See also Change site permissions.

Allow Meet and Chat notifications in other browsers

If you're using a product that supports additional web browsers, such as Chat, you must turn on notifications for that product in your browser. Each browser requires different steps for turning on notifications; see the online help for your browser for more information. 

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