Hi, firedflyer
Welcome to Google Maps Community Support Forum & thanks for your post.
However, can you provide the following details?
A) Addition of the road
- GPS coordinates of the start & end points of the road needing addition or name change.
- Screenshot of the email received after submitting the edit.
- A screenshot of the edit status in the "Your contributions" tab, (The edit status can differ from the one visible in the email.)
Next, can you provide these additional details if there is no street-view imagery for the road or if that is quite old?
- A photo of the road name signage,
- Also, could you include a screenshot of the GPS data in the photo of the signage? That helps to ascertain the location correctly & eliminates errors.
B) Addition of the address.
- GPS coordinates of the location.
- A screenshot of the email received after submitting the request.
- A screenshot of the edit status in the "Your contributions" tab, (The edit status can differ from the one visible in the email.)
- A screenshot of the address in the "parcel map" of the local administration or the postal database
- A photo of the facade of the dwelling with the house number if there is no street view imagery.
However, could you capture a maximum zoomed-out photo of the facade without losing the clarity? That helps to ascertain the location correctly.
Alternatively, you may upload a screenshot of the GPS data in the photo, which remains the surest way to know the location correctly.
That will help to suggest the subsequent action.
It may be problematic to upload all the details in your reply.
Nevertheless, you can create a folder on Google Drive or an album in Google Photos & upload the details in that.
However, uploading each document as a separate file on the drive helps to access that conveniently.
Next, create a link with the option "Anyone with the link" & share that.