You can explore world landmarks and natural wonders, and experience places like museums, arenas, restaurants and small businesses with Street View in both Google Maps and Google Earth.
Get to Street View in Google Maps
To access Street View photos:
- Search for a place or address in Google Maps.
- Drag Pegman
to a place on the map.
Find street-level imagery from other dates
Important: Historic imagery isn't available for every place that has Street View.
You can find street-level imagery taken at different times from the Street View archives and other contributors. For example, you can explore how your neighbourhood has changed over time.
- On your computer, open Google Maps.
- Drag Pegman
on to the map.
- Click See more dates.
- At the bottom, scroll through the thumbnail gallery to go further back in time.
- To exit Street View, at the top left, click Back
Explore Street View in Google Maps
- To move around: Point your cursor in the direction where you want to go. Your cursor becomes an arrow that shows which direction you're moving.
- To find where you might go next:
- Locate the X.
- Click once to travel to the X.
- To explore: Drag your mouse around. You can also use the arrows to the left and right of the compass.
- To zoom in or out:
- Scroll with your mouse.
- Use two-finger zoom with a touchpad.
- Below the compass:
- To zoom in, click +.
- To zoom out, click -.
- To position your Street View to north: At the bottom right, click the compass.
- To jump between streets:
- At the bottom left, go to the 'Back to Map' window.
- Click the blue highlighted routes.
Preview directions in Street View in Google Maps
Important: To get directions in Street View, click Directions . Then, enter starting and ending destinations.
- On your computer, under the route that you want, click Details.
- To get more detailed directions, click Expand
- Point to a step in the directions.
- If Street View is available, you get a preview photo.
- To get Street View for the step that you want, click the photo.
- To get Street View for other steps in the route: At the bottom-left box, click Previous step or Next step.
- To exit the preview: At the top right, click Close
Report a Street View issue in Google Maps
- Locate the image.
- Click More
Report a problem.
- Select the issue and click Submit.
- We'll review your report promptly.
To request blurring of Street View imagery of your home, you can follow these Blur Street View imagery instructions.
Report outdated Satellite or Street View imagery
To report outdated imagery, fill in the request information on this form. Your feedback guides us to determine where imagery updates are most important. Bear in mind that Google can't commit to a specific timeline for updates.