Explore the community feed in Google Maps

You can get personalised suggestions and updates about nearby places such as neighbourhoods, cities or states with the community feed in Google Maps. The community feed includes:

  • Updates from other Maps users, businesses and third parties like local online news sites
  • Posts from people that you follow
  • Personalised recommendations based on your preferences and past activities

To find the community feed, your options include:

  • In the 'Explore' tab, swipe up on the placesheet.
  • Search for a city or other place and swipe up on the placesheet.

Tip: If you manage a Business Profile and want to post to the community feed, learn how to post as a business.

Important: Google may remove content if we learn that it violates our content policies or if it violates applicable laws. Recommendations aren't influenced by payment from other companies. Paid content in Google Maps is labelled.

Use the feed on the Explore tab

The content in your feed is personalised and ranked based on your Web & App Activity and current map area. When you move the map area, it automatically reloads nearby places on your screen. To turn off personalised recommendations, update your Web & App Activity settings.
Learn more about how to personalise your feed.

You can like, share, follow or message businesses on their individual cards in your feed. To follow and receive updates from someone, tap Follow next to their profile name.

You can also add your own posts directly from the Explore tab. Photos or reviews you add about a place may be recommended on other peoples' Explore tabs. Your followers may also find your content in their tabs. Learn more about how to manage your Maps profile.

Tip: To minimise the feed, swipe down.

Explore the community feed when you search for places

To find the community feed, search for a place, such as a neighbourhood, city or state and swipe up on the placesheet. You can find recent photos and reviews of the area shared by our Local Guides.

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