About product recalls

Manufacturer Center offers you the ability to recall any product that is subject to either mandatory or voluntary recall. Mandatory recalls are recalls which come directly from authority (see local regulatory laws for additional information) while voluntary recalls are initiated by the manufacturer themselves.

How do I recall a product?

Products sometimes have defects. They typically pose a risk to users or don't comply with some policies. Within Manufacturer Center, you can preemptively recall a product by updating your product feed directly through the platform.

To initiate a product recall, reach out to our support team. Once our team has verified that your request meets the recall requirements,we will provide you with the necessary instructions.

Impact of recalling products

This feature is meant for product recalls (for example, a product that has some form of defect and needs to be removed from the marketplace). This will block the GTIN from being sold by any seller on Google and potentially display warning information on some properties. The manufacturer needs to provide a publicly accessible reference URL detailing what both end consumers and merchants need to do with the product. This would typically include contact information and instructions on how to return the product.

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