Sep 11, 2023

New Behavior: Dragged attachments out of a Gmail message now become "preview" files

Using Chrome 109 in Windows 7, any attachments dragged out of a received Gmail message now become an HTML file named "Preview attachment <attachment file name><attachment file size>" instead of retaining the original file format and being openable.  Trying to open this new Preview file generates an error page:

"Temporary Error (404)

We’re sorry, but your account is temporarily unavailable. We apologize for the inconvenience and suggest trying again in a few minutes. You can view the Google Workspace Status Dashboard for the current status of the service."

Tried disabling extensions, clearing cache, everything.  Made no other changes or additions to system or software.
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Recommended Answer
Sep 19, 2023
Ctrl R while in GMail worked, thank you! Still Shows "Preview Attachment" as you drag it but it will copy over as a PDF. 
Diamond Product Expert icantchooseone recommended this
Recommended Answer
Sep 19, 2023
Thank you. It now works. 

When you click on the attachment it will say "Preview" until you drop it to your destination file then it will no longer show as a Preview. 
Diamond Product Expert icantchooseone recommended this
Recommended Answer
Sep 19, 2023
AYYY! That worked!!
It didn't work at first, so I clicked on an actual email and tried again...then closed and reopened gmail. It worked!!
Thank you thank you!!
Diamond Product Expert icantchooseone recommended this
Recommended Answer
Sep 19, 2023
Jacqui Boyce said:
The issue is still there for me

update chrome and then  reload gmail then its fixed  

press control r while on gmail screen  to reload it 
Last edited Sep 19, 2023
Community Manager Shravya. recommended this
All Replies (18)
 Hello and welcome, Merek Press.  
Thank you for participating in the Gmail Community.
My reply below is based on content from the Product Help Centers and Google Community Forums I participate in. It is my belief that the content is true as of September 11, 2023.

Windows 7 is no longer a supported operating system' You need to update to a supported OS. 
If you  think the above information  was of value to you in resolving your issue, please click the  "Recommend"  button  to aid others in finding an answer to their similar problem. Thanks again. 
Andrew G. Hatchett-Not a Google Employee. #G4GN23091123
A Volunteer Google Product Expert  helping End Users in 20+ Google Product Forums
agh.3rd | | CO-FOUNDER (2014): USER2USER-LIVE!
Sep 11, 2023
I know updates are not supported, but if my Chrome version has not changed, how can they remove the drag and drop functionality?
Sep 11, 2023
This is a problem in Windows 10 and 11 as well. Sorry.
Sep 11, 2023
Just posted the same problem myself, this was working perfectly at 8am this morning and by 9am  I couldn't drag anything onto my desktop. Also on windows 7 myself. If it's on all the other versions hopefully someone can fix the issue soon as i really use it a lot 
Last edited Sep 11, 2023
Sep 11, 2023
Same issue with Windows 11 - VERY ANNOYING !!!

Sep 11, 2023
Such a waste of time having to download, open then save.  Why make it harder for everyone.  Just give us back the functionality of click and drag directly from an email.
Sep 12, 2023
Same issue on a work computer running Windows 11. Worked as of 2 days ago and now gone.
Sep 12, 2023
same issue with Win10 Pro. Very annoying! 
Sep 12, 2023
so, does anyone have a way to fix this? 
Sep 12, 2023
I agree this sucks. They need to fix this asap. 
Sep 12, 2023
Was definitely a bad move from Google.
Last edited Sep 12, 2023
Sep 12, 2023
Same problem in Windows 11 so that's not what the cause is. This is really inconvenient.
Sep 12, 2023
Is there a fix for this yet?
Sep 12, 2023
not yet... not as far as I am aware
Sep 12, 2023
Same issue. Incredibly annoying. Come on google, sort this out please.
Sep 12, 2023
Yep, same in my Windows 10 Pro 22H2 version. It happened after Chrome did an update a couple days ago. I drag a txt file from my Gmail and it turns into a Preview Attachment in the file folder!!! Frustrating! I have to save the download as txt to the folder which adds extra steps. Not good when I'm in a fast paced job. 

Something similar to this happened a few months back and I found a fix online. But for the life of me I can't find it now :(. 
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Last edited Sep 12, 2023
Sep 12, 2023
Google Workspace Support, Satish Kumar
1:54 PM
The articles will be updated shortly but after checking with internal team, I can see that the feature was removed. I would request you to submit a feature idea as many users are requesting for the feature, the internal team can work on it again and bring back
Google Workspace Support, Satish Kumar
1:54 PM

please post
Sep 12, 2023
Windows 11 Pro here and same issue.  This is really putting a kink into my work productivity, which requires me to download an attachment from every email.  Why would they take functionality away? This will push me to move to another email platform that allows drag and drop of attachments. 
Sep 12, 2023
I have the same feelings

Sep 12, 2023
I agree!! It's terrible inconvenient and annoying.
Sep 12, 2023
@gordon - that's really NOT the correct response. 
Telling us to request it as a feature???   It was already a feature.
The correct response would be "I'll write the team and tell them they need to put that feature back into Chrome."  j/s
Sep 13, 2023
You have removed this!!!!!!!  WTF are you doing? why would you do that this is an outrage and now you want us to REQUEST it? Absolute Joke so many people will be very annoyed at this. Complete Joke,
Sep 13, 2023
Ronny its not just chrome it does it in all browsers for me... I think its been done in Gmail code....
Sep 13, 2023
This feature is essential to work flow!!! Please add it back in. being able to download to only 1 folder is very impractical and time consuming. dragging and dropping to download a file out of GMail is. and i'm using a supported windows and current version of Gmail/chrome.
Sep 13, 2023
Having the same issue on Windows 10.
Sep 13, 2023
I am having the same problem

Sep 13, 2023
I am experiencing same issue too
Sep 14, 2023
Same issue, this is very anyoing to general daily workflow... Please revewer back to drag and drop of the past...
Sep 14, 2023
same issue, stopped working midday. It really disrupts my work flow and as someone with multiple windows on multiple screens at once, having to have more open just to drag files around is maddening. 
Sep 14, 2023
I have Windows 11 so not sure if it is just a Windows 7 concern.  Agree with previous comments really disrupts workflow as I receive many attachments throughout the day.
Google user
Sep 14, 2023
I too, am having the same issue.  We are on Windows 10 in the Office and all the Admins are complaining about this.  When I drag and drop to my desktop and then try to open the Google Preview Attachment I get a 404 Error.  There are some emails I receive that I get five to six attachments that need to be posted to another app.  This is very time consuming to jump through hoops to get my files in proper order to post.  Hopefully this will be fixed soon!
Sep 14, 2023
We are experiencing the same issue using MS Win 10 Pro

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Sep 14, 2023
I am having the same issue on a Mac.
Sep 14, 2023
Same with me. This problem just started up in the last few weeks
Sep 14, 2023
Same issue here. MS Win 10 user.  Drag and drop feature not available and when attempting to open up the link generated Preview we receive the 404 Error.  
Sep 14, 2023
I am a Microsoft Windows 10 user and having the same problem since the update
Sep 14, 2023
Same issue. Drag a pdf attachment from gmail to desktop and it downloads in preview mode. Just updated chrome, win 10 is up to date, no changes on our end up until this issue arose. Also receiving a request to share access for an image in our signature line, never received this previously. Image in drive shows shared to anyone with this link. Really distrupting workflow.
Sep 14, 2023
Windows 11 here, same issue.  Please fix it!
Sep 15, 2023
Also Windows 11, Chrome, and Google Workspace and having the same issue for about 1 week now. 
Last edited Sep 15, 2023
Google user
Sep 15, 2023
Ditto, making my worklife expremely difficult. 
Sep 15, 2023
Same here!! =(
Sep 16, 2023
I have windows 11 and it is doing it too. Very frustrating.
Sep 17, 2023
I have Window 11 as well. Still same behavior.  Google need to fix this problem. 
Sep 18, 2023
Nope, that's not it...they need to fix this! It's terribly annoying...
Sep 12, 2023
 the issue has been flagged to the team and it is being investigated by Google 
Sep 12, 2023
Thanks for letting me know. Hopefully a fix comes along soon. cheers
Sep 12, 2023
this appears to be an issue with windows and not with chrome. Same issue using edge.
Sep 12, 2023
This is happened to me as well.  Windows 11, Edge.  Very annoying.  I hope they fix soon.  It has always happened every now and then but I would just re-drag the attachment and it would work.  Now it always gives me that preview file.  
Sep 12, 2023
I heared about this from one of my clients, I tested it on my browser and it was all good.
I updated Chrome and tried again, now I got a link instead of the actual file.

It's definitely Chrome.
Sep 12, 2023
It's not just Chrome, I suspected it could be that and downloaded Firefox, I still had the same issue. It must be a Gmail issue that some update has caused. I asked a colleague at work to try it on his computer and it worked perfectly. He's using Chrome and Gmail so I was at a loss and thought it was my computer originally.  
Sep 12, 2023
Can replicate issue using chrome v114-116 and current version of brave. OS - win 10, win 11, MacOS 14.5  -- issue seems to be linked to google services, not a browser IMO
Sep 13, 2023
I'm having the same issues aswell.

Trying to drag and drop files out of the gmail app to the desktop. All of a sudden today is dragging a 'preview' in webloc format
Sep 13, 2023
Is this a sick joke? Hope it is and will be reversed immediately.
Sep 13, 2023
Good morning,

I have confirmed that all of our Google Workspace users at my company are experiencing the same issue.

I can replicate the issue on Win 10 using Chrome 117.0.5938.63 and Firefox 117.0.1
Sep 13, 2023
Office 365 here I come...
Sep 13, 2023
it's also happening in Mac OS 11.6, chrome Version 116.0.5845.187 (Official Build) (x86_64), for the past few days
Sep 13, 2023
This feature is essential to work flow!!! Please add it back in. being able to download to only 1 folder is very impractical and time consuming. dragging and dropping to download a file out of GMail is. and i'm using a supported windows and current version of Gmail/chrome. 
Sep 13, 2023
It's not browser or OS dependent. Tried multiple browsers on Windows and macOS. Same results. When can we expect a fix?

Sep 13, 2023
My users are very concerned since part of their work is to save attachments in different folders! This way it will become very time consuming task ...
Sep 13, 2023
Renato Simoes said:
It's not browser or OS dependent. Tried multiple browsers on Windows and macOS. Same results. When can we expect a fix?

theres no time frame 
Sep 13, 2023
We are using Windows 10 with the latest Chrome OS and this same issue is occurring for our users and also greatly impacting their workflow. I too have ensured we are on the latest Chrome release, cleared cache, and disabled extensions, but the issue is still present. The same "preview" file occurred when dragging out of an incognito window as well.
Google, please update Gmail/Chrome to allow the drag and drop feature again. Thank you!
Sep 13, 2023
I am experiencing the same issue.  I had a user with the issue who is on an older Mac, and I am on Windows 10.  Drag & Drop saves as a Preview.
Sep 13, 2023
I too am having the same problem using Windows 11. This has greatly impacted my productivity. 
Sep 13, 2023
Having the same issue suddenly, using windows 365 for desktop. I can't work like this. 
Sep 13, 2023
Having same issue, using Windows 11 and Chrome Version 116.0.5845.189. It's pretty annoying.
Sep 13, 2023
Same issue for me here.  Using a fresh install of Windows 11 and latest version of Chrome as of 9/13/23.
Sep 13, 2023
Please fix this Google!!!!
Sep 13, 2023
Yes Google, take some of those billions and fix this for the little guys
Sep 14, 2023
Same problem here, both with Chrome and Edge on Windows 11
Sep 14, 2023
Yes, to echo previous comments, same issue on Chrome and Win11.
Sep 14, 2023
the same problem in windows 11
Sep 14, 2023
same issue windows 11...very frustrating!!!
Sep 14, 2023
Windows 11 issue here as well. 
Sep 14, 2023
This is causing a significant decrease in our workflow and productivity. As an enterprise subscriber with over 300 subscriber accounts there are now increased costs for reduced productivity. We are currently reviewing other platforms.
Sep 14, 2023
Same issue at my workplace aswell Both on Windows 10 & 11 and across various web browsers.
Sep 14, 2023
This was a huge mistake...productivity is down, efficiency is down and it's downright frustrating! Please return to it's previous version.
Sep 14, 2023
I'm an IT professional here and I have multiple clients who are impacted by this feature being taken away. I've had to set up every user with outlook and google workspace sync as a workaround. It has to be outlook from o365 if you want to keep the drag and drop feature. 

Please fix this because it slowed everyone's workflow including my own having to set up users on a second mail client. 
Sep 14, 2023
This is a really big deal. As the other users have expressed, this is an efficiency issue that greatly affects workflow. Losing this functionality means that you have to click to download each and every attachment, wait for it to take the time to download, and then you can drag and drop it.
Companies receive an enormous number of attachments. This is ridiculous and needs to be fixed asap.
Sep 14, 2023
Same in our company. People start complaining that the drag and drop function is not working any more. Like said above: This is time consuming. Can we please resolve the issue or reverse the decision to change this.
Sep 14, 2023
Same issue with Gmail & Windows 10 Pro, just started a couple of days ago and boy is it slow my production down. They need a fix for this ASAP.
Sep 14, 2023
This issue impacts productivity.  Please fix!
Sep 14, 2023
Its annoying.
Sep 14, 2023
I have found that I can open the file in Gmail, then hit the download tab, then drag from the download tab to my documents. hope this helps!
Sep 14, 2023
This has to be reverted back to permit you to drag and drop instantly out of g-mail. First of all it save a lot of time and is very intuitive and second it has always worked that way, why change it? I makes no sense.
Sep 14, 2023
I'm getting overloaded with reports of this from my user base. This issue is seriously disrupting our workflows + productivity as we operate out of Google Workspace and a 3P file host in Windows Explorer.
Sep 14, 2023
This issue first surfaced in my office on Monday and is workflow-breaking.
Sep 15, 2023
When will this be fixed?

Sep 15, 2023
Vikki Hanning said:
When will this be fixed?

theres no time frame 
Sep 15, 2023
Sep 16, 2023
yes, now please!
Sep 18, 2023
Please fix it. priority #1 Google team!
Sep 18, 2023
Fix it or I'm switching to Hotmail asap. I will never forgive you if you do not
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