This page can help you find your emails if:
- Some emails are missing.
- Emails aren't coming to your inbox.
- Your inbox is empty and all your emails have disappeared.
First, search all your emails
Emails might skip your inbox if they were accidentally archived, deleted, or marked as spam. To thoroughly search emails that aren't in your inbox:
- Make sure you've downloaded the Gmail app.
- On your iPhone or iPad, open the Gmail app
- In the top right, type
. Then, enter some information that’s in the missing email, like the sender's name or the subject. - In the bottom right, tap Search.
Tip: To filter your search results even more, you can also use search operators.
Second, try these common fixes
We recommend following these steps on a computer because many of them can't be done through the Gmail app.
You may have created a filter that automatically archives or deletes certain emails.
Here's how to check your filters:
- From a browser, open Gmail.
- In the top right, click Settings
See all settings.
- At the top, click the Filters and Blocked Addresses tab.
- Look for filters that include the words "Delete it" or "Skip Inbox."
- To the right, click Edit or Delete.
- Follow the on-screen instructions.
When you set up forwarding in Gmail, you can choose whether the original emails are archived or deleted.
Here's how to check your forwarding settings:
- From a browser, open Gmail.
- In the top right, click Settings
See all settings.
- At the top, click the Forwarding and POP/IMAP tab.
- In the "Forwarding" section, check if you've selected Forward a copy of incoming mail. If you have, select Keep Gmail's copy in the Inbox or Mark Gmail's copy as read.
- At the bottom of the page, click Save Changes.
Important: If your emails are being forwarded to an unfamiliar address, select Disable forwarding then check out the Gmail security tips. If you see a forwarding address you don’t know, someone might have unauthorized access to your account.
If you forward mail from another account into Gmail, emails are sometimes sent to Spam if they aren't authenticated. Learn the best practices for forwarding emails to Gmail.
If you read your Gmail emails on another email client, like Apple Mail or Microsoft Outlook, follow the steps below for the type of forwarding you’ve set up.
I use IMAP to read emails on email clients like Microsoft Outlook or Apple Mail
When you set up IMAP, you can choose whether the actions you take in your other mail client affect your emails in Gmail. For example, you can choose if deleting an email in Apple Mail also deletes it from Gmail.
Make sure you're using the recommended IMAP settings. Look for any settings that explain when emails are deleted.
I use a web app, extension, or add-on to read Gmail
Check your settings to make sure emails aren't getting deleted or archived.
- Visit the Connected apps & sites page.
- In the "Apps connected to your account" section, click Manage apps.
- If you find anything you don't recognize, click the service
I use POP to read emails on email clients like Microsoft Outlook
When you set up POP, you can choose whether the actions you take in your other mail client affect your emails in Gmail. For example, you can choose if deleting an email in Microsoft Outlook also deletes it from Gmail.
- Visit the Forwarding and POP/IMAP settings page.
- Check to make sure POP is enabled.
- If you see "Delete Gmail's copy," or "Archive Gmail's copy," select Keep Gmail's copy in the inbox.
- At the bottom of the page, click Save Changes.
Note: If you're using recent mode with POP, change your email client's POP settings to leave emails on the server.
The steps above didn't help
If you followed the steps above and you still can't find your emails, select the problem you're having below.
If you couldn't find your email after following the steps above, the email might have been deleted or sent to spam.
Notes about deleted emails
- If you delete an email, it stays in your Trash for 30 days. After 30 days, emails are permanently deleted from the trash.
- There's only one copy of every Gmail email. If you deleted an email from one place, like a label or a device, it is deleted from Gmail entirely.
- Gmail groups all replies to an original email together in a single conversation. When you click or tap delete, the entire conversation is deleted, including the original email and any replies.
Notes about spam emails
- If you mark an email as spam, it stays in Spam for 30 days. After 30 days, emails are permanently deleted from Spam.
- If you think emails are being sent to Spam by mistake, learn how to remove emails from Spam.
If emails are missing from your account, someone may have access without your permission. We can help find your missing emails and secure your account.
- If you use Gmail for work, school, or an organization, contact your administrator.
- If you run out of storage in Gmail, you won't be able to send or receive messages. Messages sent to you will be returned to the sender.
- As of June 1, 2021, if you remain inactive or go over your storage quota for 24 months or longer, all of your emails may be deleted starting June 1, 2023. Learn more about how Google storage works.