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Roles and permissions

Learn who can do what with reports and data sources.

Access to Looker Studio assets (reports and data sources) is based on the Google Cloud Identity and Access Management (IAM) system. With IAM, you manage access to Looker Studio assets by assigning users to a predefined role. A role is a collection of permissions that allows users to perform certain actions while preventing them from performing other actions.

Learn more about IAM.

Tip: Roles and permissions don't govern who can actually see the data that is provided by a data source. This is governed by data credentials

Changes to IAM permissions and roles may cause a propagation latency, and report content may temporarily be visible to users whose access has been removed. For more information, see Access change propagation.

Basic roles

The following basic roles are available to all Looker Studio users. Basic roles apply to individual assets. For example, you can grant a user the Editor role on a particular report and the Viewer role on the data source that is added to that report.


General capabilities


  • Can view the report and interact with controls
  • Can view the data source schema


All the capabilities of the Viewer role, plus the following capabilities:

  • Can modify the report
  • Can modify the data source
  • Can share the report
  • Can share the data source


All the capabilities of the Editor role, plus the following capabilities:

  • Can delete the report or data source
  • Can make someone else the owner of the report or data source

See Role details for more granular capabilities.

Team workspace roles

The following roles are available to users of Looker Studio Pro whose organization has a Google Cloud project linked through the Admin console. Team workspace roles are applied at the workspace level and govern access to the assets that are contained in that workspace.


General capabilities
  • Can view existing assets in the team workspace
  • Can view folders in the team workspace
  • Can view the team workspace Trash


All the capabilities of the Viewer role, plus the following capabilities:

  • Can edit existing assets in the team workspace
  • Can create new assets in the team workspace
  • Can create new folders in the team workspace
  • Can move assets to team workspaces and folders in team workspaces 
  • Can view workspace members and roles
  • Can add editors and viewers directly to an asset inside a workspace
  • Can restore assets from the Trash
  • Can move assets from Sandbox/Owned by me to a team workspace

Content manager

All the capabilities of the Contributor role, plus the following capabilities:

  • Can add/remove contributors to/from the workspace
  • Can move assets in a team workspace between folders that are located in the same team workspace
  • Can rename folders in the team workspace 
  • Can remove assets to the Trash


All the capabilities of the Content manager role, plus the following capabilities:

  • Can add/remove Contributors and Content managers to/from the workspace
    • (Note: A workspace must have at least one Manager.)
  • Can change member access levels for a team workspace
  • Can move an asset from one folder in a team workspace to a folder in a different team workspace 
  • Can move assets out of a team workspace to Sandbox/Owned by me
  • Can permanently delete a folder in a team workspace
  • Can permanently delete an asset, a folder, or a team workspace

Role details

The following tables show the granular capabilities of each role according to feature area.

Tip: To see individual IAM permissions, visit IAM permissions reference and search for datastudio. Note that Looker Studio does not support custom roles.

Feature area: Reports


Basic roles

Team workspace roles





Contributor Content manager Manager
Create the report      
Remove the report (move to Trash)    
Restore from Trash    
Delete the report          

View the report

Copy the report

Download data from the report


Modify the report



Use data from added data sources


Modify data from added data sources



Add and remove data sources



Prevent report copying for viewers



Prevent report sharing for viewers



Prevent downloading data for viewers



Transfer ownership



n/a n/a n/a

Note: The role capabilities listed previously refer specifically to reusable data sources. For embedded data sources, people with the Editor role on the report can view and modify the data source.

Feature area: Data sources


Basic roles

Team workspace roles





Contributor Content manager Manager

Add the data source to reports

View the data source schema

Modify the data source



Copy the data source

Remove the data source (move to Trash)      
Restore from Trash    
Permanently delete the data source          

Change data source credentials



Prevent data source copying



Transfer ownership


n/a n/a n/a n/a

Feature area: Sharing

These capabilities apply to both reports and data sources, unless otherwise specified.


Basic roles

Team workspace roles






Content manager


Share the asset directly



Stop sharing the asset directly



Create and edit schedules on reports    

Note: Viewers can also create and edit schedules if they are granted scheduling permissions by an Editor or Owner.

Feature area: Team workspaces 

These capabilities apply only to Looker Studio Pro team workspace roles. Basic roles are not applicable.


Team workspace roles



Content manager


View workspace membership


View workspace assets 

View workspace folders
Edit workspace and folder assets  

Create new workspace assets  
Create new workspace folders  
View the workspace Trash 
Restore workspace and workspace folder assets from the Trash   
Move assets from Sandbox/Owned by me to a team workspace or workspace folder  
Move assets out of a team workspace or workspace folder to Sandbox/Owned by me, to a different team workspace, or to a folder in a different workspace       ✔*
Move assets between a team workspace and its child folders    
Add members to / remove members from the team workspace     ✔**
Change member roles for the team workspace      
Permanently delete a workspace folder      
Permanently delete the workspace      

* If a Manager is moving an asset from one team workspace to another team workspace, they must have one of the three roles in the target team workspace. 

** Content managers can add or remove Contributors. 

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