Why aren’t my Local Services Ads running?

Your Local Services ad won't appear every time you search for it. Whether your ad appears depends on a number of factors, such as your budget and other advertisers' ads competing to appear for the same search phrases.

Common reasons why your Local Services Ads aren’t running

Your Local Services Ads account is inactive

An active Local Services Ads account is required for your ads to run.

Next steps: Confirm your hours of operation, your ad schedule, or that your ad hasn’t been paused.

  • Click Profile & budget on the left-hand menu, then scroll to your “Business Hours” card and check if you’re open and listed as accepting customers. If it’s outside business hours, or if you're listed as not taking customers, your ad won’t show in searches with a badge.
  • Click Profile & budget on the left-hand menu, then scroll your “Ad schedule” card to see when your ads are scheduled.
  • Make sure that your ad is toggled on on the “Ad schedule” card. Learn more about ad scheduling

You have potential account or billing issues

Your ads may not be running due to account or billing issues. Your ads won’t run until these issues are resolved.

Next steps: Confirm that you don’t have any account or billing issues.

  • Sign in to your Google Ads account, click the bell icon Notifications near the top of your screen. There may be alerts signaling that your ad is down until an action is taken. If there are any, take the required steps to resolve the issue.
  • Check your Local Services Ads campaign to make sure that your campaign is live. If your campaign is under review, paused, or inactive, your ad won’t show.

You don’t have any budget remaining

Your budget determines the amount of leads that Local Services Ads will attempt to deliver to you in any given week.

Next steps: Confirm that your monthly budget hasn’t been reached.

  • Click Reports on the left-hand menu, then scroll your “Budget spent” card to review your budget details.
  • If you’ve reached your monthly budget threshold, increase your budget or use Maximize Leads.

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