The Trusted Copyright Removal Program is designed to enable high-volume submitters that send high quality notices to submit DMCA takedown notices to Blogger more easily. The program includes a file upload system, as well as streamlined processing, with the aim of reducing turnaround-time for each request.
Admission requirements
To be admitted to the Trusted Copyright Removal Program you need to meet the following criteria:
- A track record of submitting good, clear and accurate notices of copyright infringement through our standard Blogger DMCA takedown form.
- A justified need for a high-volume tool.
There are several types of submissions that we don't accept through the Trusted Copyright Removal Program, due either to the heightened risk that submissions in these categories may target lawful content, or that submissions should be sent elsewhere. Some of these are:
- Lawful, non-infringing content, including works in the public domain
- News articles which have been copied
- Material hosted on academic or government-related sites
- Circumvention-related issues such as authentication/activation codes, mod chips, or key generators
Note that those who repeatedly submit takedown requests through the TCRP that are inappropriate may be terminated from the Program.
You agree that Google has no obligation to process notifications sent through the TCRP that fall into these categories. It's still possible to submit these requests through our standard Blogger copyright track, through the appropriate DMCA forms for other Google products, or to the third-party site hosting the content.
Advantages of the program
Once you are accepted into the TCRP, there are major changes from the standard Blogger DMCA takedown process:
- Bulk uploads: Ability to upload a bulk text file to facilitate submission of large numbers of URLs.
- Absence of a CAPTCHA.
- Dashboard for monitoring prior submissions: Past submissions will be visible on a user dashboard, allowing submitters to see the status of each URL submitted.
- Faster turnaround time for requests: Our aim is to respond to takedowns submitted through this channel within an average turnaround-time of 24 hours depending on the submission.
Because we process submissions through this tool as DMCA takedown notices, the tool is appropriate only for copyright infringement notices that meet DMCA requirements. Moreover, in order to strike the right balance between speed and the need to prevent errors and abuse, the tool is intended for clear cases of copyright infringement only. For submissions that address materials that raise more difficult issues on which reasonable people may differ, such as material that could arguably be considered fair use or that relates to circumvention devices, please submit through the standard webform process.
Submissions in the Standard Track
To submit via the standard track, you would need sign out of your TCRP account, go to, and sign in using a different Google account.
Turnaround time
Our aim is to respond to takedowns within an average turnaround-time of 24 hours depending on the submission. We all handle our TCRP requests in the same manner. We don't prioritize specific partners over others and we cannot guarantee that any particular submission will be processed in a highly compressed timeframe.
Those interested in accessing the program should submit an application. Once the application has been reviewed and approved, you'll be able to start submitting URLs immediately. Acceptance to the program is at Google's discretion and is limited to submitters with excellent track records for accuracy in their takedown submissions.
For more information on submissions, please see the FAQs.