A kért oldal jelenleg nem áll rendelkezésre az Ön nyelvén. Az oldal alján választhat másik nyelvet, vagy azonnal lefordíttathatja bármelyik oldalt egy tetszőleges nyelvre a Google Chrome beépített fordítói funkciójával.

Private rates details and examples

Private rates can be displayed in various unique UI treatments, as shown below, to better market your inventory.


  • The graphics presented here may not match the exact appearance of hotel ads.
  • Treatments and callouts are only associated with certain rate types and can’t be used for any other rate types.

Membership programs

These discounted rates may be offered to users who are already a member of, or are willing to sign up for, your membership or loyalty program. You can choose whether your membership rates are visible or hidden.

Member rate visible

The UI treatment for these rates shows the unrestricted public rate with a strikethrough (such as $143), along with the discounted member rate and the amount of the discount. The ad also tells the user that sign-up for a member program may be required. The default text on these ads reads: "Member rate, save XX%".

After you have set up the rate rule, you can contact Google to associate it with one of the following text callouts:

  • “You get this discount as a signed-in {program_name} member”
Note: The discount percentage is calculated using the public rate submitted in your feed.

Member rate hidden

These discounted rates can’t be displayed directly on Google. Instead, the next best rate for that user is shown with a strikethrough, and text indicates that a discounted price is available. A phrase like “Get price” is shown where the discounted price would normally be displayed.

You can choose to have the hidden rate described in one of the following ways:

1. A discount percentage. The default text will read, “Get X% off with free enrollment.”

Once you have set up the rate rule, you can contact Google to associate it with one of the following text callouts:

  • “{program_name} discount available”
Note: The discount percentage is calculated using the second best rate submitted in your feed (including non-hidden rates).

2. A discount range. The default text will read, “Get X-Y% off with free enrollment.” For discounts of 1-5%, the default text will read “Get up to 5% off.” Larger discounts will be shown in 5-point increments, such as “Get 5-10% off” or “Get 10-15% off.”

Once you have set up the rate rule, you can contact Google to associate it with one of the following text callouts:

  • “{program_name} discount available”
Note: The discount percentages are calculated using the second best rate submitted in your feed (including non-hidden rates).

3. A non-specific hint. In this case, the default text will read: “Get a lower price with free enrollment.”

Once you have set up the rate rule, you can contact Google to associate it with one of the following text callouts:

  • “{program_name} discount available”

Plus free wifi

If free wifi is included in the membership rate, but isn’t part of non-member rates, it can be added to the UI treatment as well. Currently, free wifi is the only amenity supported for this UI treatment.

Member rate hidden type UI treatment
Discount percentage “Get X% off plus free wifi with enrollment”
Discount range

“Get X-Y% off plus free wifi with free enrollment”.

  • For discounts of 1-5%, the default text will read “Get up to 5% off plus free wifi”
  • Larger discounts will be shown in 5-point increments, such as “Get 5-10% off plus free wifi” or “Get 10-15% off plus free wifi”
Non-specific hint “Get a lower discount plus free wifi with free enrollment”

If you want your member rate to be displayed only to certain users, you may combine these with other conditions, such as an audience list or the user’s device, location, language, or sign-in status. Member rates may also be displayed to a limited percentage of users.

For bidding in the ads auction, Google will use the membership rate. For other aspects of the system, Google uses a price based on what is displayed to the user, since disclosing more information benefits partners.

Customized prices

We will indicate that your prices are “customized” if they vary based on:

  • The device a user is using (mobile or desktop)
  • Whether a user signed in to their Google account
  • Whether a user is part of an audience list

These “customized” prices will have an asterisk (*) next to them for users in the European Economic Area.

Audience lists

These rates are shown only to users specified by one of your audience lists. Since these ads are shown only to a limited audience list, the private rate is shown as the sole rate.

 Ad with rewards club member rates for hotels

The usual callouts and rate features will apply to these ads.

Note: Audience list support for private rates is only available for ads. It’s no longer available for free booking links.

Once you have set up the rate rule, you can contact Google to associate it with one of the following text callouts:

  • “{program_name} member rate”
  • “Member rate”
  • “Because you made a flight booking with {partner_name}”
  • “Customer rate”
  • “{prefix} customer rate”

If a rate is available to members of multiple audience lists, you can configure a rate rule to be eligible for any of those audience lists. However, your audience lists can’t intersect or be combined with narrowing conditional rates (such as device type). If you do want to target certain locations or other audience subsets for your audience list ads, you can do so through your Google Ads campaign settings.

To set up an audience list, you’ll first need a Google Ads link and account ownership. Learn more about how to Link Hotel Center and Google Ads.

Note: You can combine an audience list with private rates to show the UI treatments listed above. View examples of private rate configurations in the Google Hotels API.

SMS only rates

SMS only rates can be used to define rates that are only bookable through text messages. The ad text will say “SMS only rates” with the exact price.

SMS only rates for hotels

To show this, set up a rate rule and contact Google to associate the callout with the rate rule.

  • If the rates aren’t offered based on particular attributes, leave <UserRateCondition/> empty with no child elements. Learn more About conditional rates.

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