Flexible policies for hotel reservations

In response to recent developments around COVID-19, some hotels and travel providers are offering adjustments to cancellation policies and change fees.

Hotels and travel providers currently offering options to book  flexibly. 

Hotel or travel provider Related policy links
Accor Accor updates
Agoda Agoda updates
Airbnb Airbnb updates
Best Western Best Western updates
Check 24 Check 24 updates
Choice Choice updates
Despegar Despegar updates
Expedia Group Expedia updates
Hilton Hilton updates
Hostelworld Hostelworld updates
Hotels.com Hotels.com updates
Hotwire Hotwire updates
HRS HRS updates
Hyatt Hyatt updates
IHG IHG updates
Marriott Marriott updates
Orbitz Orbitz updates
Oyo Oyo updates
Priceline Priceline updates
Travelocity Travelocity updates
VRBO VRBO updates
Wyndham Wyndham updates

These policies may change. For more information, be sure to check with your provider for up-to-date policy information.

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