Pieprasītā lapa pašlaik nav pieejama jūsu valodā. Varat lapas apakšdaļā atlasīt citu valodu vai nekavējoties tulkot jebkuru tīmekļa lapu jūsu izvēlētā valodā, izmantojot pārlūkā Google Chrome iebūvēto tulkošanas funkciju.

Pricing: Monitor your price feed status

The “Feed status” tab shows the status of your price feed, including failures, errors, or warnings that occur when your price feed and related metadata are processed.

To access your feed status page:

  1. Sign in to your Hotel Center account.
  2. Select Pricing from the navigation menu.
  3. Select the Feed Status tab to see your price feed data.

Understanding your feed status report

Each graph or section of the feed status report shows a different diagnostic or metric about your account. To filter the report by a specific date range, adjust the Start date and End date options provided in the top-right corner of the Feed Status tab (data from the previous two weeks will be displayed by default).

The feed status report presents information in the following sections:


Time needed in seconds for Google to receive a transaction message response from your server for price updates. The graph can display pull, changed, and/or live pricing latency over a specified time period. To hide the latency performance of an individual delivery mode, click its name at the bottom of the Latency section.

Bandwidth usage

The number of hotel itineraries per second (HIPS) updated by the partner. Maximum hotel itineraries per second is shown based on what is agreed upon between the partner and Google. To hide the bandwidth usage of an individual delivery mode or the hotel itinerary limit, click the name of the line at the bottom of the Bandwidth usage section.

Success rate

For live pricing delivery mode only. This is the percentage of live pricing requests that have been successfully returned within the given deadline. The success of a live pricing request is dependent on multiple factors; for issues related to the connection (e.g. exceeding the response time limit, typically up to 4000 milliseconds), check the recommendations report and filter by missed participation reasons. Learn more about the detailed breakdown of each reason.

Message accumulation

For changed pricing delivery mode only. This shows the number of active query messages that have been sent to the partner and are awaiting a transaction message response. An increase in the queue length indicates that the partner is hinting more itineraries than they are capable of providing prices for. Learn more about changed pricing.

Error codes

The number of errors or warnings generated when Google attempted to parse and store a partner’s transaction messages.

The error codes graph has additional views available based on which delivery modes are implemented (pull, changed, and/or live pricing). Clicking into any of the views will display the most frequent errors generated during the specified time period, along with a summary of each error. To hide all error codes of a specific delivery mode in the All modes tab (or to hide specific error codes in the Pull/Changed/Live pricing tabs), click the name of the delivery mode (or error code) at the bottom of the Error codes section.

If you have received any feed status error messages, see the list of feed status error codes for descriptions and actions you can take to correct the error(s).

Recent price messages

This shows the status of each transaction message processed within the specified time period, including a log of the transaction, any error codes that occur, and an issue summary that details each error. 

The columns of the table include:

  • STATUS: Indicates whether or not Google encountered any warnings, errors, or failures while processing the feed or message.
  • DATE/TIME: The timestamp when the transaction message was received.
  • TYPE: The type of transaction message that was processed.
  • ISSUE ID: The error code that occurred when processing the transaction message. Mousing over the ID will display a brief description of the error.
  • COUNT: The number of errors or warnings reported within a specific transaction message.
  • LINK: Provides a downloadable log of each query/transaction message successfully sent and received by Google.
  • DETAILS: A list of errors or warnings encountered while processing the transaction message. An extended issue summary is available when clicking the link provided in this column. Actionable next steps to debug errors can be found here.

The status report can be filtered by the following criteria:

Filter Description

Categorized as either “Success”, “Warning”, “Error”, or “Failure”.

  • “Error” or “Failure” indicates that the transaction message was not successfully parsed and saved by Google
  • “Warning” indicates that, while the message was successfully saved, some data or information might not have been parsed or saved correctly

Select the type of message or feed for which you want the status. You can select from the following options:

  • “Pull pricing”: Pricing messages sent through the Pull pricing delivery mode
  • "Live pricing": Pricing messages sent to Google in response to real-time price updates for end-user searches
  • "Changed Pricing": Hint request/response messages used with the Changed pricing delivery mode
Issue ID

Enter an error code number to filter by issues of that kind. For example, to filter by errors that occurred when pulling data, enter "1049" to filter by that type of error.

See Feed Status Error Messages for a list of possible error codes to appear.

Hotel IDs

Enter a comma-separated list of hotel IDs on which to filter the report. The report will show all relevant transaction messages for those hotels only.

For example, "101a, 42, 8675309".

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