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How to update your price settings in Hotel Center

This article explains how to use price settings in Hotel Center to set up how you'll send prices to Google.

How to access the pricing setup tool

The “Price settings” page allows you to set up and manage prices across all of your matched hotels.

To access the “Price settings” page:

  1. Sign in to your Hotel Center account.
  2. From the navigation menu, select Prices.
  3. Select Settings.

Note: Pricing controls are on an account level and are managed across all hotels. You must set up and match your hotels through the hotel list settings before setting up the prices (excluding ARI pricing). Learn how to set up your hotel list

Pricing set up

The “Set up” page allows you to select between pull and changed pricing.

  • Pull: Use this option if you want Google to optimize what prices are pulled from the given source URL. Google will determine what prices are most likely to get impressions. Most partners on Google use pull pricing by default.
  • Changed pricing (previously pull with hints): You can opt into changed pricing by checking the dialog box for “Google should ask me for lists of updated hotels” on the "Set up" page. This allows you to define what prices to pull, instead of allowing Google to determine them. This is recommended if you know when every rate for every hotel changes.

Once you select your preferred delivery mode, click Continue to move on to the “Manage” tab.

Managing hotel prices

Making changes to price configuration

Once you've set up your prices, you can always make changes to these settings by selecting the Settings page under “Prices” in the navigation menu. If you need to change your delivery mode, contact Google support.

Note: If your prices were configured in any additional delivery modes, you can also edit them.

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